5-6th Graders Rewarded for Mishnayos Baal Peh
This year, Oholei Torah’s 5th and 6th grades took their Mishnayos Ba’al Peh program to a whole new level, with a grand Chalukas HaPrasim, distribution of awards, which took place in the Oholei Torah Ballroom. Over 350 parents, grandparents and friends joined as the talmidim walked off the stage with Seforim, some of them heavier than the talmidim themselves!
Representing the Parents, R’ Elazar Felberman spoke and thanked Oholei Torah for all the efforts put into the talmidim. Rabbi Yehoshua Lustig, Principal of Grades 5 -6, congratulated the talmidim, and thanked all those involved as well as the sponsors of the Seforim which were distributed as prizes. Most touching was a video shown where the Rebbe speaks of children learning mishnayos, and a video of Oholei Torah Talmidim going by the Rebbe at dollars. The JEM offices were instrumental in preparing the video.
An impressive display was held after the event on the creative art projects that the talmidim made honoring this Shmitta year, as part of the ongoing Chayolei HaRebbe program run by HaTomim Yoni Lefkowitz
This year’s Mishnayos Ba’al Peh project got the talmidim excited about learning, and was unbelievably successful. Rabbi Yehoshua Lustig said “without a doubt we will continue this program and expand it even more. The feeling the talmidim had, that they were doing something the Rebbe encouraged, and that the winners of the program were introduced as such to the Rebbe when they went for dollars, gave great chayos and excitement not only to them, but to all the talmidim of the school.”
The program had an even broader spectrum, because aside for the Mishnayos, it also included Gemara Ba’al Peh, Tanya, the 12 pesukim, the names of all the Parshiyos, names of the Rebbeim and Rebetzins and many more things. The Program began on the 14th of Kislev and ran until the 11th of Nissan.
An important thing to note is that this whole program was done only during the Talmidim’s free time, such as during recess or at home. All testing took place during the extended lunch recess, and about 75% of the 5th and 6th grades partook in this amazing program, for which they have received many prizes, all in the form of Seforim.
The Mishnayos Ba’al Peh program was run by HaTomim Nochum Cohen.
We would like to thank yoni for All he did for our kids this year! You brought a lot of chasidishe joy to the chool
A grateful parent.....
Beautiful event with beautiful atmosphere. Kol Hakavod Rabbi Lustig.
another parent
yes, all of these programs were really wonderful and well run!
thank you R Lustig, nochum, yoni and all involved!