Fellow Students Remember Uri as Shiva Concludes

The sudden passing of Uri Gurary, OBM, a bochur from Antwerp, Belgium, who was studying this year in Oholei Torah Zal, brought about a void among his fellow students. The bochurim in the Beis Medrash therefore undertook many hachlotos and leaning sessions as a comfort and L’ilui Nishmas their dear friend and chaver.

A special stress was placed on learning the Halochos of Birchas Hanehenin, something Uri was very careful in, and also chapters of Tanya. A Library of Rambam seforim in the dormitory was also established in his memory.

The entire Mishnayos was learned during the Shiva over three times between the bochurim.

A Kinus was held in his honor, and was broadcast live via the internet for family members who are out of the country to participate.

Rabbi Pinye Korf, Mashpia, said the Rebbe’s Kapital. A siyum was made by Mendel Brandvine, and a sicha was reviewed by Menachem Vogel, both close friends of Uri.

Rabbi Nachman Schapiro and Rabbi Shlomo Kaplan spoke on behalf of the Yeshiva.

Gedalia Hertz, who grew up with Uri, and Mordechai Sternberg, a cousin, spoke about him and his special ways, being that they both were together in various yeshivas for many years.

Rabbi Itche Meyer Gurary, from Montreal, who is Uri’s grandfather, spoke to the bochurim via internet video connection.

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