New ‘Fly-Car’ Joins Fleet of Crown Heights Hatzalah
A brand-new, state-of-the-art ‘fly-car’ is on its way to Crown Heights, where it will join the fleet of vehicles being operated by the dedicated volunteers of Hatzalah. The vehicle’s purpose is to hasten emergency response times, when often every second counts.
The vehicle will be outfitted with the latest life-saving technology and equipment, and will be occupied at all times – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – by Hatzalah volunteers, who will operate it in shifts – saving them the time and energy required to find parking after each call.
This is the first such vehicle to be operated by the Crown Heights division of Hatzalah; similar vehicles are already in operation in Borough Park and Williamsburg.
The vehicle was generously donated by Crown Heights Community member Naftali Berkowitz.
In an interview with CrownHeights.info, Berkowitz explained what inspired him to make the donation:
“I used to frequently accompany and elderly neighbor of mine to the hospital for treatment when his only daughter was away, and I befriended the Hatzalah volunteers who would transport him there,” he began.
“It struck me that these men are busy fathers, workers and businessmen like the rest of us, yet when they receive a call that someone is in need – whether for a minor injury or a life-and-death emergency – they drop everything and run.
“I have seen them interrupt dinner with their family, their sleep at night, a simcha; even at the recent Mordecahi Ben David concert, a call came in during the show and several volunteers got up and ran out – despite the fact that they had paid hefty sums for their tickets.
“Though the volunteers are thrilled to do the Mitzva,” Naftali continued, “it often is very difficult for them to find parking for their vehicles upon returning from a call, especially late at night. The several minutes they dedicated to helping someone in need can quickly turn into hours as they search in vain for parking in close enough proximity.
“What this vehicle does is eliminates the need for them to ever look for parking, as it is constantly in use and ready to speed to wherever it is needed.
Naftali continued: “The work they do is often taken for granted, but I believe that we have an obligation to supply them with the very best equipment and technology, and this vehicle will shave off precious minutes from their response times to life-and-death emergencies – when every second counts,” he concluded.
The vehicle is currently on its way to Crown Heights for delivery, and – if it arrives in time – community members may catch a first glimpse of the vehicle parked in front of 770 this Shabbos.
Yashar Koach + Moshiach NOW!!! =)
How is this car different from all other cars and ambulances –
First Kasha: What is a “fly car” – is the car able to fly?
Second Kasha: How does this car eliminate the need to find parking?
Third Kasha: What does it mean that this car “is constantly in use”?
Fourth Kasha: How does this vehicle arrive quicker to the scene?
Read the article again! You will find the answer to all your ‘kashas’ !!!
Thank you
They should only need it for delivering babies in a hurry
Kol Hakavod!
So nice to read about a community member that sees a need and steps up to fulfill it.
Ditto to #3……
Kol Hakovod Naftoli Berkowitz, you are a special person.
May it never need to be used besides for good thing
But in any case a groysin yasher koach
Good going bro, keep up your good deeds and Hashem should bless you and your family with all that you want
Yossi A
To #2
4 answers to your 4 questions.
1) When Hatzalah era a call and as member responds, this fly are will pick him up.
2) As he is waking up and getting dressed, this car will drive to his house to pick him up.
3) This fly van is equipped fully as any members car.
4) This will be from 11pm thru 7 am.
So it’s basically a Ford Explorer with ambulance markings…
Amazing person Kol hakvod!
May it be used only for simchos (baby)
to #3
May they not need it for that either…..
The last thing a woman wants is to need to call hatzalah and have a male in her community be with her during labor etc…
It’s why they started the women’s group for such things
The best is that it not be needed at all.
naftali berkowitz
since volunteers will be sitting in the car at all times of night and day it will allow them to rush to the patient, the second the call comes over the radio. This cuts out the time it would take for a member to respond that he is taking the call, then run to his car, which can be quite a distance away, then clean the car on a snowy day, get it out of the parking spot… this is time code 1 patients (ex: heart attack, stroke, choking, or allergy..) can not afford to loose.
This system will also give paramedics and other backup members a much earlier heads up of how serious the call is so they can respond accordingly.
This car is also equipped with 4 wheel drive and snow tires in the snowy season, and has the latest technology helping the car have a grip of the road in nasty weather.
Thank you all for your kind comments :)
my uncle
naftalies my uncle
naftali berkowitz
a special thanks to Mr. Berns from leasing direct, for finding the perfect model car for this job, and for everything else he did to make it possible.
Amazing Idea! Great Job LuLu
Brina Berkowitz
I give gratitude and thanks to Ha Shem for giving us such a wonderful son. I am very PROUD to say the least. I also know that you recently lost a big account and can hardly afford this generous gift. May HA SHEM GRANT YOU THE MEANS TO CONTINUE TO DO TZADOKA V’CHESED, and may all your heartfelt wishes be fulfilled.
Shmuel and Bracha
Naftoli and Chaya, you are amazing great people.
Thank you for your Chessed, May Hashem Yisborech give you in return good health Nachas from your Children and the rest of your wonderful beautiful Family with Simchos Ad Bli Dai.
Thank you for always being there.