Young Newlywed’s Final Sentence: 50 Days in Jail
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Instead of spending the month of Tishrei with her new husband in Crown Heights, the Lubavitcher woman from Kiryat Malachi who has been arrested for failing to follow up with her military draft requirements will spend Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Sukkos in an Israeli jail.
Her final sentence has been handed down by the military tribunal: a sentence of 50 days in jail.
Reports have emerged that she is being treated harshly by the Israeli prison authorities, who have subjected her to feet shackles – despite the fact that she is locked up in a prison cell and cannot go anywhere.
hodu Hashem ki tov
when they release her, b’ezras Hashem EARLY, she will have her very own personal day of cheirus and geulah. this will become a legendary event in her family history. hatzlocho to the kallah and i bless her that she accepts this nisayon with love.
Moshiach now!!
Hashem yishmor!!!
Pls give us a name for tehillim!!!
May she have an imidiate redemption
together with all of am yirsoel!!!
I’m sorry to say, but she deserved it. It didn;t have to end this way if she was smart about this.
oy vey!!!
whats up?
The Frierdiker Rebbe and Rav Yoel of Satmar were right.
Dr. Holmes
ISreali military is manditory. She knew what she was doing and took a chance. A big one at that. Its unfortunate but if everyone would take off from the country to avoid there military service there would be almost NO soldiers left! Very few isrealis want to serve in the army for 2-3 years!
I feel bad for her
That really sucks what’s she’s going through. But the fact is she broke the Israeli law and she must deal with the consequences of her actions. I don’t believe she’s being treated differently.
Money for Nothin-
May the prison that did this to this poor lady be cursed all the way to the you know what.
Nu Nu
I know we’re supposed to feel bad but military service is the law of the land there and according to their law she broke the law, which is similar to stealing, fraud, or any other crime.
Considering that, 50 days ain’t that bad!
unless there is more to the story this sounds oversentencing for not filling out your forms on time when she was anyways exempt. as for “nu nu” no. this is not at all like stealing or fraud. she was exempt but did not file her exemption on time, or so it seems from the report. hopefully you will be judged more favorably then how you would judge others. a gut yor.
to 3, 6,7,9
a little rachmonus on another may do you some good esp. in elul!
What you wish your freind comes back to
Those of you who are incriminating a Yiddishe Tochter, And Justifying this cursed medina Shell Gehinum, should be aware what the Bal Shem Tov Says: When you justify something on your fellow yid you are justifying it to yourself. Da Ma Lemaalo, memoch from you. just think before you justify any thing bad on a fellow yid. Chachomim hizoharu bedivaychem!!!
Proud Mother
All Israelis should serve the country that protects them. The women can do some kind of public service at least. My son voluntered for 3 years to protect Eretz Yisroel with no financial benefit. If religious Jews take money from the government, why shouldn’t they do their share in some way- hospitals, school etc. I have been to Israel many times and see religious men hanging around all day. Don’t tell me they are learning Torah 24 hours a day. They could find time for both as many of our hard working men do.
Again, all these commenters are ignoring BOTH the fact that religious women are exempt from conscription, AND that even if that were not true they would be obligated to break the law.
Giyus noshim is YEHOREG VE’AL YA’VOR. How on earth can all these commenters ignore that, especially with Rosh Hashono coming up. You are about to beg Hashem for mercy; how will you reconcile that with having argued in public, just two weeks earlier, that someone ought to have acted against the Torah? Everyone who says this woman should have served in the army is openly saying that Hashem does not rule the world. It really is as simple as that. So when in two weeks they say Hashem is their king, they will be lying.
to # 3
Yes people should be responsible…
But to make a judgement on another person that “she deserved it”…I just wish you that if you ever make a mistake in your life, you don’t have to deal with people who play “judge” on you. No one made you the judge in the courtroom of public opinion!
to # 3
Yes people should be responsible…
But to make a judgement on another person that “she deserved it”…I just wish you that if you ever make a mistake in your life, you don’t have to deal with people who play “judge” on you. No one made you the judge in the courtroom of public opinion!
to # 3
People should always follow the law, I agree. But with your attitude, the next time you get a parking ticket, please don’t utter one word of disappointment or annoyance – it’s what you deserve!!! Funny how people excuse their own mistakes, but are so intolerant and quick to judge others.
Hashem Hu Malkeinu
She was decent enough to turn herself in rather than wait to be arrested, and the supposedly Jewish medine jails a kallah for her first Tishrei of marriage. Even if she changed her plans at some point, there is no reason to punish a frum kallah with anything but an administrative fine and a warning for what she may have done as a rebellious teenager.
Reb Amram Bloy ZYA was right, and in any case, barring Moshiach, the medine is headed for a big financial bust that will force loads of Israelis to emigrate.
I hope we treat the incoming Israelis better than the Israelis treat us, so they will realize they are Jews and return to Judaism wherever they make their new lives.
to proud mother, it-s not so simple
while the army may be mandatory and Hashem has shown great nissim through them, the environment in the army is often not appropriate for a yiddishe, chassidishe person, both in the regular army, and sometimes in sheirut leumi.
Besides the environment, the army has unfortunately shown themselves to try and force their soldiers to do terrible things to other Yidden, for example gush katif and many other incidents. They often punish their soldiers for having dealt with the arabs in a way that should really be done, and in wars they have told their own soldiers to not shoot when they should have shot in order to protect themselves, all in the name of giving in to world pressure and opinion, a world that couldn’t care less what happened to us.
It’s far from simple.
The Torah says that the Yiddishe army has to go with a Torah at the front and go in the ways of the Torah, from it’s leaders down.
So while it is true that one should take care of paperwork, you saying that it is perfectly OK for someone to do service isn’t correct. In addition, the Israeli army finds it ok to release murderous terrorists from prison, they can surely find another way to discipline a newly married girl.
May Hashem protect all the soldiers and all of Eretz Yisrael and every Yid wherever they may be.
Moshiach NOW!