Kinnus Talmidei HaShluchim of the FSU
Kharkov, Russia — This past shabbos, Talmidei HaShuchim from throughout the Former Soviet Union gathered in Kharkov, Ukraine for the Annual Kinnus Talmidei Hashluchim, sponsored by the Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim Haolami and the local Kharkov Community. The bochurim arrived Thursday afternoon, and immediately started an informal Farbrengen. After registering at the Yeshiva Ketana, the Bochurim went to the Shul where Hatomim Bentzion Geisinsky gave a shiur in Chassidus which sparked a lively discussion among the Bochurim.
More pictures in the Extended Article
Back at the Yeshiva, R. Moshe Moskowitz, Chief Rabbi of Kharkovskaya Oblast’ Farbrenged with the shluchim and was soon joined by the guest mashpia, R. Yechiel Shlomo Levitansky, Chief Rabbi of Sumskaya Oblast’, who farbrenged about a bochur’s job on shlichus until 6 AM.
Friday afternoon Hatomim Eliezer Posner gave a Shuir inyanei geulah u’moshiach based on Iggeres Teiman from the Rambam and the Rambam in Hilchos Melachim, After which the Bochurim made their way to the Shul for seder niggunim and Chazoras Maamer Baal Peh, followed by Kabolas Shabbos.
R. Moshe Moskowitz invited the Bochurim to his house for seudas Shabbos, which turned into a farbrengen.
The highlight of the Kinnus was the trip to the Alter Rebbe’s Ohel in Haditch in honor of Chof Daled Teives. After davening at the ohel, R. Chaim Sholom Deitch sat down to farbreng with the bochurim. R. Chaim Sholom spoke about the importance of remembering the main shlichus – limud Hatorah, specifically Toras Hachasidus.
Sunday night the banquet was held in the Alexandar Feldman Function Hall. Hatomim Moishe Witkes emceed the event. Following the speeches the bochurim broke out into a spontaneous dance, followed by a farbrengen during which Hachlotos tovos were made by all the shluchim. The farbrengen continued through the night until the shluchim needed to return to their respective cities.
A special thanks to the Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim Haolami and Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe and Miriam Moskowitz for sponsoring the Kinnus. Special thanks to the Talmidei Hashluchim of Kharkov for arranging this event.
Hi Moishe!!!!
Moishe Witkes we miss you tons here in Worcester but it’s good to see you’re still filled with chayis there in Russia. Enjoy!!!
all morristown guys + shlush and mendy g, its good to see you guys
very cool great to see you guys
down under
shlushwhat shiur did you give “moti vlo- moti”.. “SMALL G” you look to thin..
alex looking good ect… guys just keep it up (its not about the bottle)
moishe!!!!you’re the bomb
Uncle Sam
dovid, keep up the good work!
regards from Uncle Sam.
a chaver
Benche a shiur chassiduss shteiendiker heit?!
it’s good to see that we have Mashpi’im still.
moishe witkes your looking amazing.
you look like your having a good time.
we love you and were so proud of you.
witkes brooklyn
Motti B.
What`s up Mendy G.!, Look`s Like You`re Having A good Time In Russia!.
Nachmi, you are looking good. and having a good time
moshe zuchman
olidort its good to see things are going on on youre side of the world.
shliach az.
motown shluchim,+ shlush and mendy g, you guys are awsome.
former moscow shliach
nachmi and eli hang in there,
rostov shluchim ur the best shluchim we ever had
the bochurim
Having sat next to him in Kolel for 2 years, I miss the Moskowitz farbrengen . . . wish I was there, even if only for another all-nighter. Been 17 years!!!
ot zal
its good to see mendy gurevitch and levi shlush, wheres yanky raskin????
from behind the iron curtain
dear Witkess’ of worc.
brooklyn and yerushalayim
i treasure your love and support
– love moishe
p.s mir zol heren besuros tovos bekarov mamosh
moishe your looking amazing ,
keep up the good work
cant wait to see you yud aleph nissan
moishe witkes…………….
regards from worcester
Your co.
very nice. shout out to small Jee, nice hat!
m posner
hi guys good to see yoyu enjoy
rabbi wilshansky, morris town
moishe!!! i get so much very happy nachas seeing u speak in public, will u come visit me in morristown, (bring potato kugel)
the olidorts
great to see you, eli olidort!
in charkov or moscow, we miss you terribly.
Hey Moshe Leib how’s it goin’ hope you’re havin’ a good time in russia
your cuz’ aaron chaim z.
Levi shloush, mendy g, moishe and all the rest of you keep up the good work!
A fellow shliach
Great pics, why didn’t Shmais post anything? You guys look like you’re having a great time. Mendy, Mendel, Dovid, Tansky, Eliezer, Reggie can’t wait to see you guys yud shvat.