Tishrei Guests Welcomed with Banquet
On Sunday evening, Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim Ha’olami, the organization seeing to the needs of the numerous guests who arrived in Crown Heights for Tishrei, hosted a grand welcoming banquet for them at Bais Rivka-Campus Chomesh.
The Bochurim were addressed by emcee Hatomim Dovid Olidort, followed member of the Badatz Rabbi Shlomo Segal, who read the Rebbe’s Kapital.
They were then inspired by the words of Rabbi Mordechai M. Kenig, menahel of Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim of Lod, who encouraged them to strengthen their hiskashrus to the Rebbe, followed by Shliach to Wisconsin Rabbi Yisroel Shmotkin.
The Rebbe’s Chozer, Rabbi Yoel Kahn, highlighted the event, with a lecture on the importance of setting aside time to learn the Rebbe’s teachings.
The event was made possible through the generous donations of three philanthropists who have taken upon themselves to personally see to the needs of the multitude of guests who arrive every Tishrei: Reb Shneor Minsky, Reb Avrohom Lokshin and Reb Shloime Hershkop.
Photos by Itzik Roitman
yoel moshe
Does Rabbi Shmotkin spk ivrit ?