London Lubavitch Boys’ School Wins State Funding
A third Lubavitch school in the United Kingdom has succeeded in securing voluntary-aided status, allowing most of its tuition costs to be met by the state.
The Lubavitch House boys’ primary in Stamford Hill will receive state funding from July, closely following the Chasidic movement’s senior girls’ school, which went state-aided this month.
Its primary girls’ school has been voluntary-aided for eight years.
Chabad Lubavitch chief executive Rabbi Bentzi Sudak said the award was “truly a watershed moment for us. It’s no secret that, over the last few years, we have been fighting for the financial security to continue our work in communities, schools, campuses across the country.
“This funding means that we have won that fight.”
Mazel Tov! Thirty years ago they were trying, I remember being in Oholei Torah when the inspectors came around, veda”l.
The Maskilim have won!!!:(
Mazal Tov Uncle Nachmen and a special shout out to Cousin Bentzi Congrats on the funding, regards from Miami
They-re not volunteers!
Mazal Tov! Good work! Now pay the teachers the thousands of £ they are owed…
this is a sad day
this means much more limudei chol for our boys!
anynoe who knows the matzav of london boys, will understand…
Wages,wages, wges
Maybe now our hard working dedicated teachers will get paid everything they’re owed from momths and months
The staff are owed so much money, as parents, we all know that;
Could they finally be paid whats owing to the?????????
A sad day for all these grumblers, who never wished Hatzlocho
They used every ounce of energy and every penny of Lubavitch and walked away with it all
Boruch Hashem there are good people who have enjoyed taking &
giving, May they continue to prosper and succeed Begashmius
Sad day for all the troublemakers Lubavitch has suffered too
much from them
Amazing work
A huge yashekoyach to Rebbetzin Sudak for this
This is is a great day! both for limuudei kodesh and limudei Chol. We all know that the school was dying had it not been for State Aid. Now it will be properly funded, with the corecct resources, you will see the Matzav of London boys change for the better.
Asach hot geholfen the system until now with limited chol. Anyone who knows the matzav of London boys will understand.
Finally after all these years, our children will have a decent school to go to!
A member of the not-so-vocal majority of Anash in London
Negativity as usual
This does not mean more limudei chol. Those people who want only kodesh can put their hand in their pockets and pay teachers. The parents in London pay next to nothing for tuition.
But some people will always just criticise .. Where were they till now working to pay melamdim?
Perhaps now there will be better resources to support children who need more support to be successful in their learning.
Re they-re not volunteers
Let parents pay tuition….
More limudai chol = better chance for good jobs down the line. Nothing wrong with that.
Now let’s hope the money goes to the teachers …the deserve it.
Go Zeidy and Bubby Sudak, and Bentzi!!
In the know
this will bring a new cheder to London
Excited Mom
This is so exciting, of course all the people who never paid tuition are negative as usual. The parents that are happy are the ones that really care about the school and are happy to see funding for all the basics and finally for some extras! The girls junior school has seen such a vast improvment once the funding was in place! They enjoy music lessons, beautiful upgraded PE facilities, library with the lates IT equipment and in all the classrooms! Support staff in the classrooms, freshly painted classrooms, modern washrooms, I can’t wait to see the boys school progress over the next few years!
Yad hachasidim al hoelyoino
Mazal Tov to all, especially Mrs Sudak who worked so hard to get this, the nissim were so open, they are not mixing into the kodesh.
No 2, and 5.
Have you done anything to help the Rebbe’s mosdos, (besides criticize)? are you one of those whose kids always heard you speak negligently, so they have now developed the same attitude towards yiddishkiat?
Go Zeidy and Bubby Sudak, and Bentzi!!
To #12
Regardless if parents are paying tuition or not, the Mosad needs to find a way to pay the teachers… They are owed thousands and thousands! The powers that be manage to raise emergency funds when needed but are never able to raise the funds so that the teachers who are being moser nefesh every single day (would you show up to work if you weren’t paid for 8 months straight?), can put bread on their table, yes, put bread on their table…
In total agreement
Well said number 19! I know of families, OUR teachers families who are in debt and are struggling from day to day to feed their families, and it is UP TO OUR MOSAD to find a way to pay these wages!!!
Chana, Soroh, Rivkah, Rochel, Leah
Finally someone who is seeing things the way they really are! Thank you no 19!
Its always our teachers that are left at the bottom of the list when it comes to finding funds to pay them the wages that is so rightfully owing to them; there is always funds available for emergencies. . . Well, our teachers wages ARE emergencies! As a parent, seeing whats happening on a daily basis, I am saddened to see whats happening here! Its a ”busha”
Painful to see
I wonder if all the comments , putting down the negative remarks, are from the Hanhalla, or from those close to those who are running the school; because anyone who is in the same boat as the teachers are, would understand and realise what it means! I wonder if those who put down the teachers desperate calls for payment, HAVE EVER KNOWN THEMSELVES WHAT IT MEANS TO LIVE THIS WAY! Somehow, I doubt it, because if they did, they would react in the very same way; As a relative to one of the staff members, it pains me to see how they struggle, and we all pray that as a result of the state aid, finally finally we might see some compassion and understanding on the part of those “in charge”
This only covers Chol. It doesn’t cover kodesh. The teachers haven’t been paid in 8 months!!! How will this solve that problem?
Also, you can’t get government money without teaching lots more chol. The only way they duped the government into this is by leading them to believe they will.
Is this a sham that will be exposed?
to number 20
If something is YOURS you have the responsibility to pay. If you dont pay its not YOURS. If it’s “OURS”, DONT EXPECT SOMEONE ELSE TO PAY THE BILLS!!!!!
first of all the funding will not pay off old debt. second of all, although its hard not being paid, teachers have been doing this for years and years in London and elsewhere in the world. This is nothing new and the dedication has never been effected. I find it hard to believe that families are struggling to put food on their tables. There are so many legitimate benefits for working families (not too mention other benefits.) in addition there is minimal (if any) schar limmud for the girls school.
Anyway its amazing news and it will mean a better facilities and eductaion both in secular and in kodesh for our kids. and isn’t that what we all want?
not a member of the hanholla
whilst obviously feeling great sympathy for these teachers who have been struggling, one can still at the same time appreciate this most amazing milestone. The teachers all know that they will now receive a monthly pay check on time and this was all achieved through Mrs Sudaks unrelenting perseverance This is a cause for great rejoicing for all those involved in the schools and secures our childrens chinuch for the future.
@ #5
Are you willing to pay?? Then don’t complain!!
Mazal Tov to Lubavitch UK
I am sure that this will bring benefit to the entire school as well as all the dedicated teachers. Bezras Hashem everyone will get their back pay just like in the other Lubavitch UK schools where people worked for extended periods of time without getting paid and now Boruch Hashem things will improve for everyone. All these changes can help Anash and Lubavitch grow and bring so much new good for everyone and hopefully everyone realizes and capitalizes on the potential of these new Berochos.
Mazal Tov to Lubavitch UK. May you Michayil El Choyil
A happy graduate of Lubavitch Boys School 135
Mazal tov
this is beautiful!
Nice job
Kol hakavod
Nice kob
Go England!
Go rabbi
down under
Go Rabbi Sudak
first of all the funding will not pay off old debt. second of all, although its hard not being paid, teachers have been doing this for years and years in London and elsewhere in the world. This is nothing new and the dedication has never been effected. I find it hard to believe that families are struggling to put food on their tables. There are so many legitimate benefits for working families (not too mention other benefits.) in addition there is minimal (if any) schar limmud for the girls school.
Anyway its amazing news and it will mean a better facilities and eductaion both in secular and in kodesh for our kids. and isn’t that what we all want?
non of your bussines
Are you willing to pay?? so why r u talking????????
person who cares
nice one 22
happy for them
This does not mean more limudei chol. Those people who want only kodesh can put their hand in their pockets and pay teachers. The parents in London pay next to nothing for tuition.
nice 24
Boruch Hashem there are good people who have enjoyed taking &
giving, May they continue to prosper and succeed Begashmius
ncie job
go london go!!
if only on all our mosidos like this..
good article
bonei heim
the children will benefit it the most!!
nice job
im sure its such a relief for the rabbi
learn’t there and happy for them!
please read
whilst true that most parents don’t pay a lot, that’s due to their shoe string budget – they don’t have much. Parents were asked to go begging from door to door to pay fees, whilst over 5 million pounds (that’s about 8 miliion dollars), are going through the doors of Lubavitch every year. (It’s all on the official website of the charity commission for anyone to see). They say that the money is for “outreach”, “noone wants to give for education” etc.. anyone who reads the Rebbe’s letters to L.UK will see that the first priority is the schools. The lack of care for our education has been the cause of a churban for years. We need Moshiach Now!