Students Graduate Monsey Cheder
This past Wednesday night, Cheder Chabad of Monsey held its third 8th grade graduation for the boys divison.
Cheder principal Rabbi Wolowik welcomed everyone and introduced Menachem Mendel Litzman and Avi Altman, students of the 8th grade, to act as MCs. The MCs called upon fellow talmidim: Moshe Holtzberg to recite the Rebbe’s kapitel Tehillim; Dovid Amsel to recite the Rebetzin’s kapitel Tehillim; and Menachem Mendel Rubashkin to recite to recite his father’s kapitel.
The dean and founder of the Cheder, Rabbi Yisroel Shusterman was then called upon to read a letter of the Rebbe. He then translated the letter and shared a few personal words expressing the emotions he felt observing the third graduating class of Cheder that started in Nursery and matured into talmidim hamesaymin in Kitah Ches. He stressed the importance for talmidim to always interact with their peers with ahavasYisroel. Before introducing the Moroh D’asrah of Kehilas Chabad in Monsey, Rabbi Boruch Lesches, the MC thanked him for all the time he spends with the bochurim farhering them and answering all their questions.
Rabbi Lesches shared with the graduates some very warm and personal words on what is expected from the talmidim as they grow up, highlighting the importance of the talmidim being devoted to their learning and being neiros lehoir. Fellow talmid Shaul Rimler shared a beautiful d’var Torah stressing the importance for the talmidim to take a lesson for Korach’s mistake of doing what you are told and not doing too little or adding items that Hashem does not want. Since the graduation was a few days before Gimmel Tammuz, Menachem Mendel Hirsh then spoke about how the Rebbe cared for every single Yid and the importance of each talmid strengthening their hiskashrus to the Rebbe. This was followed by Meir Kolt representing the class in performing a siyum on Meseches Mackos followed by a hadran based on a sicha of the Rebbe.
Moshe Eli Stuart represented the class in talking about what the Cheder experience meant to him, highlighting the influence of his melamdim and teachers starting in Kitah Aleph and how they developed within him a love for learning Torah and Yiddishkeit. Dovid Jacobs expressed gratitude to Cheder personnel on behalf of his class, especially their beloved 8th grade rebbi, Rabbi Yossi Soble, for all the personal time that he invested in each talmid individually and for all the exciting activities and trips he planned for the class. The evening was concluded by words of encouragement from the General Studies Principal, Mr. David Kandel.
The Cheder Principal, Rabbi Avrohom Wolowik and Mr. Kandel then distributed to all students the diplomas and a specially inscribed Tanya. As the children received their diplomas, Rabbi Wolowik shared a personal message with each individual talmid highlighting their accomplishments and wishing them hatzlacha in Mesivta and beyond. A beautiful yearbook was also distributed to the talmidim. They raised funds for ads in the book and used the profit for a fun and enriching graduation trip.
It was a truly inspirational and happy event. We wish the graduates much hatzlacha in all their endeavors!
MAZAL TOV MENDEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Former student
I hope it got beter since I was there
Thanks to Rabbi Soble
Thank you Rabbi Soble for making this all happen! You are wonderful melamed and caring Chassid. I am happy our children have you as a living example of Torah and Yiras Shomayim.
8th grade girl graduate @ ccm
THE GIRLS GRADUATED TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what only the boys get pics?!?!??!?!??!?!?
i went to skool with some of these little boys they got so big!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its crazy!!!!!!
The school would not be here...
if not for Rabbi Shusterman!!!!
We love Zaidy Shusterman!!
#4-Someone will say that its not tznius but they are wrong. Dont believe everything you are taught.
I want to know if the mothers were allowed to attend the graduation? Recently we know that fathers were excluded from their daughters graduation so it only seems fair.
My point is that by these actions you drive away people from yiddishkeit and it inflames me.