Just in time for summer, a Russian ice cream company produced a special kosher line of the frozen dessert. The Stavropol-based company approached the kosher department of the Russian Chief Rabbinate headed by Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar about launching a production line that would be acceptable to Jewish dietary laws.

Six Varieties of Kosher Ice Cream Produced in Russia

Just in time for summer, a Russian ice cream company produced a special kosher line of the frozen dessert. The Stavropol-based company approached the kosher department of the Russian Chief Rabbinate headed by Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar about launching a production line that would be acceptable to Jewish dietary laws.

Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Yossi Verzub, director of the kosher department, along with Rabbi Yosef Marzel, flew in from Moscow and prepared the factory for kosher use. Together with local Rabbi Alexander Nesterov, the supervisors oversaw the making of the ice cream from the milking of the cow to its packaging.

In all, six varieties were produced and will be sold at stores across Russia as well as in supermarket chains in Israel. The factory joins dozens of other factories that have gone strictly kosher along with 10 restaurants in Moscow and its environs.

Photos courtesy of Bechadrei Charedim


  • Ein Li Taam leRav mi-Taam

    Kosher Ukraine has had ice cream of this (far from luxurious) quality for years.

    In EY that kind of ice cream is of interest only to the lowest class of Russians who miss their old country but have no money to return there.

    The rav mi-taam of Russia course sends press releases about all of his negligible accomplishments to all the sites, but those of us who know what really goes on in Russia know that his organization is as devoid of emmes as that ice cream is devoid of taste (and nutritional value).

  • Boruch

    Staromaryevskoe Shosse, D 13 355035 Stavropol

    workTel: +7 86 52 94 67 10
    faxFax: +7 86 52 28 35 38

  • Hello????

    There is NO REASON to import ice cream from Russia to Israel! Israel has their own ice cream!

  • Ein Li Taam leRav mi-Taam

    There is NO REASON to import ice cream from Russia to Israel! Israel has their own ice cream!

    There is a lower class of Russians there who miss their homeland and regret ever moving to EY but don’t have the money to go back. Some importer is betting that some of these people will scrape a few agorot together to buy the ice cream they remember as children.