Visitors Marvel at Cheder’s Expo on Rebbes’ Lives

Anash of Los Angeles gathered at Cheder Menachem, the Chabad Elementary boys’ school, for their 8th annual Chayolei Tzivos Hashem Grand Expo.

The theme of is year’s expo celebrates the life and times of the Rebbeim, as well as the ‘Hishtalshelus’ of Toras HaChassidus (how Chassidus was spread and disseminated throughout the world, from generation to generation).

Talmidim from 13 units dedicated their free time during the last month of the school year to research and develop their exhibit’s theme. Each Chayol’s talents and creativeness came to life as each unit brainstormed ways how to bring out these messages in the most creative manner.

Close to 300 parents and community members came to show their support. Everyone was encouraged to view and vote for each exhibit, both on its theme and creativity.

As impressed as they were with the originality of each exhibit (not to mention learning a thing or two on the way), parents were blown away at how well-versed each member of each unit was, as well as the clarity in their explanation of each model.

“This is my first Expo,” a member of the community said. “I am amazed at what these children can do. And the way they explained their exhibits – it all just came to life!”

The Chayolim feel the same.

“When building my exhibit, it looked kind of bland and simple and I began to feel a little nervous. But as soon as people came by and each one of the guys in the unit was explaining his part, it all just came to life!”

The exhibits were left overnight so that all of the Cheder’s talmidim and community members that were unable to attend the night before would be able to view the exhibits the next day.

It is the Cheder’s hope that this event gave the Rebbe, as well as everyone who benefited from the event, much deserved nachas, further hastening the coming and redemption of Moshiach Tzidkeinu speedily in our days.


  • bs d

    ovtich- your awsome, to # 2, i think its leibleovitch’s 7 year (at least doing the expo) (after coming back) but he;s kein ayin hora going super strong b”h. mevhayil el choyil just continue doing everything you do and more, moshiach now!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • To #3

    We had an expo with him when I was in 6th grade (2001… boy I’m old!)

  • particpent wrote

    this years expo was fun and to comment #3 this year he only came at the end. mine is the one about the rebbe