Chief Rabbi Amar visits Lubavitch of Brazil

Last Wednesday, Jewish tycoon Mr. Joseph Safra celebrated the wedding of his son David Safra. Among the honored guests who came from around the world to attend the wedding was Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Shlomo Amar. During his stay in S. Paulo, the Chief Rabbi made it a priority to visit the Lubavitch Educational Institutions in the city.

The tour began with a visit to the Cheder Lubavitch, where the Rabbi and his entourage were greeted by Dean of Brazilian Lubavitch Educational Institutions, Rabbi Hersch Leib Begun, the Principals Rabbi Moti Begun, Rabbi Ilan Ende, Rabbi Ari Schapiro and School Administrator Rabbi Mendy Begun.

As the Chief Rabbi entered the School Building, the Cheder students burst into song, “Seu Sheorim Rosheichem”. Following his arrival Rabbi Amar was given a brief overview of the Schools History, starting half a century ago, when the Rebbe appointed Rabbi Hersh Leib Begun to open Lubavitch Educational Institutions in S. Paulo. It began with just a few students, mostly children of Holocaust survivors, who would study together in small group’s together Rabbi Begun.Today 50 years later the small study group has sprung into a network of Institutions including Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim, Cheder Lubavitch, Gani Girls Acadamey and more.

After a comprehensive tour of the schools campuses Chief Rabbi Amar addressed the students: (Free Translation): “Each one of you is extremely privileged to be studying in a Cheder that was founded by a Shliach of the Rebbe, Rabbi Hersh Leib Begun. There is no doubt that the Brocho of the one who sent him – the Rebbe – is infused within every detail of this School.” During his speech he remarked that this visit reminded him of his youth when he studied in Chabad institutions in Morocco under the leadership of Rabbi Shlomo Matusof, whom he called “a Tzaddik.”

Following his address, the children recited the twelve Pesukim, and sang a number of niggunim together, which transformed the visit into quite an unforgettable moment. As per the Rebbe’s instructions of making events like these a “Kinnus of Torah Tefila and Tzedaka” coins were distributed to all the children whom then gave them to Tzedoka.

The Chief Rabbi and his entourage – which included close friend of Rabbi Amar, Rabbi Leibel Zajac, and Bait Yaakov Rabbi Avraham Cohen, then continued on to visit the Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim. At the Yeshiva they were met by Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Shamai Ende, the Maggidei Shiur and Faculty, and the Talmidim Hashluchim.

The entire Yeshiva gathered in the Zal where the Chief Rabbi spoke to them passionately about the importance of Learning Torah, and how to properly contain what you’ve learned. After his talk, he met with the Hanholas Hayeshiva in a more casual setting, as they discussed pressing issues, and a wide variety of Torah topics, including a series of Lessons and Stories from the Tzemach Tzedeck.

All shared a light moment, when one of the Rabbi’s aides inquired if the Milk being served was Cholov Yisroel. Before anyone had a chance to respond, the Chief Rabbi cut in and exclaimed: “You’re asking about Cholov Yisroel at Chabad?!”

At the conclusion of his tour, Rabbi Moti Begun thanked him warmly for coming, to which the Rabbi responded; “Just the opposite! I received strength from visiting – for you are Shluchim of the Rebbe!”

This all followed a Melave Malka at the home of Shliach Rabbi Dovid Weitman which Rabbi Amar attended the night before.