Rebbetzin Teitelbaum Previews New Kindergarten

In anticipation of Sunday’s Premier Community Viewing of the newly built Oholei Torah East Flatbush Kindergarten, Rebbetzin Esther Teitelbaum, tzu lange yorhen, came Friday afternoon to see the building for the first time since the fire, which occurred just over a year ago.

It was a very emotional visit, being the shul meant so much to her husband, Reb Michoel Teitelbaum, OBM, who with great mesirus nefesh kept the shul open for many, many years.

Upon entering the building Rebbetzin Teitelbaum was visibly moved to see how beautiful the building was re-built. She told Morah Faige Winner, who accompanied her on the visit, that “Itzter vet men kennen gut lehrnen” – now the young children can properly learn, and how it’s true that “Oholei Torah hot di besteh schora” – that Oholei Torah has the best merchandise!

Rabbi Sholom Rosenfeld, Director of Oholei Torah, who put much time and effort into the building project, came especially to greet Mrs. Teitelbaum on her first visit.

One who devoted her life to Oholei Torah, and the kindergarten department in particular, she asked that all join in this project, and she looks forward seeing many of her former kindergarten students at the open house this Sunday.