Students, Parents Celebrate YNS Graduation

The students of Yeshivas YNS of New Jersey celebrated their graduation with a commencement ceremony in front of family, friends and community leaders.

The ceremony began with a graduation speech from the Valedictorian Award recipient, Gershon Goldstein.  He spoke about diversification, espousing that “Diversifying is the key in creating opportunities for ourselves.  It promotes creativity, prepares us for successful careers and enhances social development,” he said.

The other graduates also presented speeches.  Mendel Rivkin emphasized the importance of thinking optimistically and learning from one’s mistakes, saying that “mistakes are not necessarily a bad thing; they make you what you are if you learn from them.”

Mel Givre’s words of “pushing past one’s limits” regardless of any learning differences and “never giving up because in the end run, it pays off,” had definitely shown in his fortitude to achieve.

Menachem Mayteles stressed the importance of education and learning from those who “have more knowledge and experiences. “ Paying attention in class and not just counting the tiles on the ceiling will help you get ahead,” he said.

All the graduates had words of thanks and praise, first for the Rebbe, for his inspiration. They also thanked the YNS staff for their devotion and caring of the entire student body. The bochurim’s words of appreciation for a great academic education and for the individual attention to their needs were evident in all the lessons and discussions with Rabbi Y. Orimland, Rabbi Moishe Orimland and the rest of the staff. They felt that even when they were reprimanded, it was done from the heart and with a loving hand.

Dr. Ira Trocki remarked so eloquently about each graduate and presented each one with the book Turning Judaism Outward.   YNS Dean Rabbi Y. Orimland awarded a special plaque of appreciation to Herb and Eva Bierig. Everyone at YNS thanks them for all they have done.

“How does one feel a sense of accomplishment?” asks Rabbi Orimland. “One’s sense of accomplishment comes from how you run your day to day life.  Make sure that every day you do some type of good deed; working toward making the world a more compassionate place. In life it would be difficult to run a marathon, but even more difficult to react in the proper way to life’s situations that will not always go the way we want.”

The parents’ reactions to this beautiful ceremony were voiced with words of warmth and love.  They had a great amount of gratitude for Rabbi Orimland and the staff for their hard work, dedication and devotion to the education and the wellbeing of their sons.

Mazel Tov to the graduates of the class of 5774/2014 and their families!

For further information, or to register for the upcoming school year, call 609-418-0357 or email

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  • way to go

    Mazal Tov Mendel! Graduated at 17, cool – must be a pretty smart dude.
    Mayer & Hindy, may you have lots of Yiddishe, Chassidishe nachas, b’toch harchovoh, from Mendel, always.