Darchei Menachem Students’ Achievement Celebrated

On the last day of school, the students of Yeshivas Darchei Menachem’s Shiur Beis celebrated with two of their fellow classmates on the occasion of their completion of an entire Masechta of Gemara over the course of the year.

The two students, Mendel Raksin and Levik Lew, had set a goal for themselves at the beginning of the year that they were going to complete the entire Maseches Makos. They calculated how many lines of Gemara they would have to learn each day, and stuck to it throughout the entire year with admirable resolve.

On the last day of school, they were joined by their classmates and dedicated teacher, Rabbi Eli Sandhous, for a Siyum and celebration honoring their achievement.

After the boys each performed a Siyum on the Masechta, they were presented with a plaque and cash reward, after which the class enjoyed a hearty Seudas Mitzvah brunch.

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  • very proud relative

    mazel tov levik and mendel
    from the ‘clan’
    we are all so proud of you

  • Great job guys!

    Yasher Koach from another clan member!!! You guys are really impressive!

    You took a project upon yourselves and you accomplished it! You worked really hard on a daily basis and it paid off (literally).

    Mendel & Levik – JOB WELL DONE!!

  • Darchei Parent

    Guys, a great accomplishment achieved. You make us very proud. Keep up the good work. Yogati umotzosi ta-amin. Guys keep striving for more. Darchei keep up your good work.