ULY-OP Tours French and Mexican Warships

Students of United Lubavitcher Yeshiva of Ocean Parkway participated in Fleet Week’s Tallship OP-Sail. Students in grades 3-8 got exclusive tours of the French Etoile and Belle Poule and Mexican Cuauhtemoc – all military training vessels.

Unfortunately, the tour had to be cut short due to incumbent weather, but not before each crew and guide exclaimed how enjoyable and respectful the talmidim were.

During the tour, the Mexican military ship cadets asked “What are you?”

when the students responded “We are Jewish,” the faces of the cadets lit up, saying “We have learned and read so much about you but never met someone Jewish in person, it’s our honor and pleasure to have you aboard.”


  • A Parent

    Thank you ULYOP for everything you do!!
    My son had a wonderful time and as always loves the school!

  • your old student

    You are the most under rated school in Lubavatch! keep up the great work!

  • ULYOP fan

    Dear number two,
    You seem to be so bored and naive and uneducated. Why not focus on the positive before shavuos?