Letter: The True Dedication of a Veteran Shliach

Rabbi Zalman Lewis, a Shliach in the southern UK, sent this open letter to CrownHeights.info describing a childhood experience that demonstrates the unique dedication with which Rabbi Nachman Sudak, OBM, fulfilled his Shlichus:

This Sunday, Rabbi Nachman Sudak, OBE, director of Chabad Lubavitch UK for over 50 years, passed away at the age of 78.

In the early 90s, during a particularly challenging time for London’s Lubavitch senior boys school – Mechina, Rabbi Sudak stepped in to fill the void and taught me and my classmates from 4 to 6pm daily for the entire year.

The more I reflect on that year, the more I am humbled and awed by his dedication. In my position as director of a relatively ‘small’ Chabad House, serving university students in Brighton and the UK’s SE Coast, I am simply baffled by how Rabbi Sudak managed to find the time, never mind the patience and state of mind, to deal with twenty 14/15 year olds every afternoon.

But he did it, and tremendously well. Those two hour sessions were unquestionably the best of all my schooling. To this day, I clearly remember much of what he taught. His ability to communicate Chassidic thought, even to us boys, was phenomenal. And through it all, you would never have thought that there were pressing national, and international, issues in the office that needed his urgent attention.

I believe that I speak on behalf of my classmates, many who serve as Shluchim in the UK and throughout the world, when I say that his family can take great comfort in knowing that those lessons in 1992/3 continue to inspire us, and in turn our own students, to this day.

Yehi Zichro Boruch – May his memory be for a blessing.

P.S. Despite my attempts in discreetly taking this photo (see below) in the middle of a lesson, the shutter’s click was heard across the room. I panicked, expecting to be admonished. My panic turned to relief when Rabbi Sudak raised his face to identify the click, and offered me a broad and warm smile.

Zalman Lewis

Director, Chabad at (UK’s) SE Coast Universities

Rabbi Sudak


  • c.f.


    A genuine chosid, fine person with a heart – doing what needs to be one. No questions asked and no glory and thanks expected. Heartwarming story with a clear message to us all. Thank you.
    Condolences to the family and to Anash on the passing of a true general in the Rebbe’s army.

  • Yisroel Freeman

    As a classmate of Zalman, I too vividly remember those years, the Maamorim studied, and the passion, Hashkafa and Emes that was conveyed in those lessons. I consider myself lucky to have had such a Rav and Shliach growing up, who inspired the community and was a Dugma Chaya of what a Chassid should be. In addition to his family, It is a very hard loss for everyone who knew him and for the entire community.

  • Steven Sedley

    Salmon, words from the heart.
    I too remember those days, he was our anchor and kept us sane in those very difficult times.

  • london boy

    I also remember those days. it was an amazing few years for mechina with Rabbi Sudak teaching chassidus and Mr C.Y Cohen keeping the mosod running financially. it was a good combination of gashmious and ruchnious. chadash yomeinu kekedem.

  • My memories

    As a true Chossid, he was always very concerned to do the right thing. At that time when he saw the boys had no one to teach them, nor were they learning Chassidus, he made a commitment to teach the Bochrim. It was not easy, but he would not give up that time for anything.
    He was not interested in eulogies. If you can learn some chassidus, do an inyan of Hiskashrus, write to the Rebbe in his memory, I know he would appreciate it.

  • An x Londoner

    I remember, how Rabbi Sudak name is Reb “Nachman” & any one with that name, Rabbi Sudak would allways call him by his last name, however he would call the regular studants by there first name. & it stays with me.

  • A former Talmid

    As a follow up to Rabbi Zalman Lewis’s article about Rabbi Sudak A”H Chissidish Shiur to the boys of Mechina during the 90’s. I would like to add, that although I did not have the zechus to be in his shiur as I was a couple of classes younger, I did however have the zechus to partake in another Chassish Shiur given by Rabbi Sudak a few years later. When Rabbi Chaim Rappaport moved as a Shliach to Ilford United Synagogue he arranged for Rabbi Sudak to come to Ilford on Monday evenings to give a Chassidish Shiur to the community.
    As I was a bochur at the time living in Ilford, I was asked by Rabbi Rappaport to come to the Shiur as he felt that it would be a chiuzuk for the men to see bochrim by the shiur as well. To this very day I still remember the Mamor “Vehenif Yodo all hanar etc”, explained so clearly and in such an aidel way. One thing that all of us bochrim growing up in London during those years will agree on, “If you want a good shiur in Chassidus, Rabbi Sudak is one to go to”. YZB
    Shmuel Aryeh Hackner