L.A. Cheder Boys Learn 158,864 Lines by Heart

As every year, from Yud Shevat through Yud Alef Nissan, students of Cheder Menachem in Los Angeles prepared a special and most befitting present for the Rebbe – their annual Mishnayos Be’Al peh program. Together, the talmidim learned and were tested on a total of over 158,864 lines of Mishnayos, Tanya, Siddur and ‘Yediyos Kloliyos.’

This number includes: 9,386 Mishnayos, 149 complete Masechtos, 1,149 Perakim, 5 Sedarim and 175 Perakim of Tanya Baal Peh – with 3 talmidim successfully learning the first 12 Perakim Tanya by heart and one of them learning the first 23 perakim.

This year’s achievements included one by Levi Greenbaum, 7th grade, who learned the entire Seder Moi’ed, Nezikin & Kodshim, as well as the first 12 Perakim Tanya and other Mesechtos and Perakim Tanya; Yossi Raeburn of 5th Grade, who learned the entire Seder Moed; Levi Mishulovin, 7th grade, who learned the entire Seder Moed as well as the first 12 Perakim Tanya; Shneur Zalman Schapiro, 7th grade, who learned the first 23 Perakim Tanya, as well as numerous Mesechtos by heart.

On Sunday, Gimmel Sivan, a special ceremony was held where the talmidim were awarded Seforim as prizes for their efforts and achievements; The event was held in an auditorium close to the Cheder. Rabbonim, Roshei Yeshivos, Shluchim, Mashpiyim, parents and friends joined together to recognize and congratulate the achievements of the students.

Rabbi Mendel Greenbaum, Menahel of Cheder Menachem, welcomed everyone with a D’var Torah and giving a Yasher Koach to the talmidim. Words of Bracha were shared by Rabbi Shimon HaLevi Raichik, Rav of Anash in Los Angeles and Chabad Hanckock Park.

Talmidim were then shown a special video presentation; a group of talmidim from Mesivta Oholei Torah passed before the Rebbe on the 2nd of Shevat 5750 to present a gift; each talmid had successfully learned the entire Iggeres HaTeshuva by heart. To each the Rebbe gave his blessing and dollar.

A special presentation was made to Reb Yankel Ginsburg, the “Zevulun” of the Cheder’s MBP Program, who sponsors the Seforim on a yearly basis, L’iluy Nishmas his father, Reb Dov Reuven ben Dovid OBM. The Cheder presented Reb Yankel with a Leatherbound Edition of The Raksin Tehillim. Rabbi Greenbaum explained to the talmidim of the connection between their learning of Mishnayos and the recital of Tehillim, and in particular Kapital 119, as explained in the Sichos of the Rebbe.

Rabbi Sholom Heidingsfeld, the coordinator of the Mishnayos Be’al Peh program, announced the accomplishments of this year’s MBP, which was followed by a video presentation showing the Farher given to the Talmidim who learned at least one Seder of Mishnayos by a group of Rabbonim from the City of Los Angeles. This was followed by awarding the Seforim to the 4 talmidim with the highest accomplishments.

After this, every Talmid received a prize according to his achievements, which was complimented by a Slide Show that displayed each talmid’s picture, point total, accomplishments and seforim that he would be receiving.

Some of the Rabonim and Shluchim who attended were: Rabbi Shimon Raichik, Rav of Anash and Rabbi of Cong. Levi Yitzchok; Rabbi Ezra B. Schochet, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Ohr Elchonon; Rabbi Yosef Shusterman, Rav of Anash and Shliach to Beverly Hills; Rabbi Yitzchok Newman, Rav of Anash and Shliach in Long Beach; Rabbi Mendel Schapiro, Mashpiya in Yeshivas Ohr Elchonon; Rabbi Mendel Cohen, Mashpiya in Yeshivas Ohr Elchonon; Rabbi Amram Farkash, Menahel of the Mesivta Ohr Elchonon; as well as Rabbonim and Shluchim from all over Southern California.


  • The Rosh!!

    It is always great to see The Rosh!! We, mere mortals, admiring greatness and royalty.

  • Ah Michaye Tzu Zen

    I am so impressed! look at all those chasidishe parents and children – I was never exposed to this side of LA – I’d love to see them on this site more often

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