Friendship Circle Moms Treated to ‘Night Out’
The Friendship Circle of Brooklyn held its annual mothers’ end-of-year event this week. Fun pottery painting led by Shaina Wolff of Parttery, along with a lavish salad bar, provided the mothers with a relaxing and enjoyable time.
Parenting children is an emotionally and physically draining task. Parenting a child with special needs often brings additional strain. Though the children are a source of pride and joy, their mothers need to be full-time advocates and constantly available to provide for their children’s broad range of needs.
The mothers’ end-of-year event is a highlight of the year at the Friendship Circle, a time when all the mothers come together to shmooze, enjoy, relax and recharge.
This year, Shaina Wolff of Parttery came and explained different techniques and skills that could be used when painting pottery. The ladies got a chance to each make a piece of their choice, which they would later take home.
The women were then invited to a beautifully set table, replete with candles, flowers and an extensive salad bar. Director of Friendship Circle Mrs. Chani Majesky shared a few words, thanking the many gracious hearts that make up the Friendship Circle. She noted that “the Friendship Circle has grown into a vibrant community, and this growth is due to the constant support and encouragement we receive from our families.”
Special mention was made of the Parent Advisory committee, whose members have given many hours of their time to advise and further enhance the ongoing programs of the Friendship Circle. Members include Mrs. Libby Chein, Tzirl Goldman, Penina Lipszyc and Kaila Schaffran.
The evening ended with a prize giveaway. The lucky winners received watches, designer handbags, a makeup bag and a Keurig coffee brewer.
Friendship Circle of Brooklyn would like to thank Mrs. Malkie and Rochie Smetana for their year-round support to the mothers of the Friendship Circle.
Thank you as well to Mr Greens, First Quality Cleaners and Natural and Kosher Cheese for their assistance.
A big thank you goes to Mushki Tenenbaum for all her help with planning and executing a beautiful night.
one day we’ll get over this sad need to obscure and not show at all the faces of special need parents.
A special mom who went
If our community would stop shunning us and stop making us out to be a nebach. Stop making it seem like we have a disease than I would proudly show my face. If my kids were treated like a human and not some infected animal. I will show my face. I don’t need to be part of the Loshon horah or the topic around someone’s Shabbos table. My child is mine because hashem gave my child to me. If the rebbe was able to see how important special kids are than why can’t the community. If people would not come up and tell me my child is a shagitz and I should be ashamed of myself for letting them go out like that. Well…..
Thank you Chani for a amazing evening away.
For all those who don’t understand what we parents go through please take a second and listen to this.
Thank you.
looks amazing!
Tizku L’Mitzvohs!