Baltimore Cheder Raises $50,000 in Two Hours!
This morning, Cheder Chabad of Baltimore began its day with the goal of raising $10,000 through an online crowdfunding event. All the donations were to be matched by three generous donors, quadrupling the online contributions. The catch: they would only have 24 hours to raise the $10,000 online, or they would receive nothing.
With characteristic panache, a group of Cheder parents and staff turned this fundraiser on its head and brought in the $10,000 (i.e. $40,000) in less than two hours!
Rabbi Elchonon Lisbon, Executive Director of the Cheder, quickly made a few phone calls and found additional matchers for another $10,000, bringing their total to $50,000 for the day.
“The opening of the community’s hearts and wallets is surly a testament to the loving, talented mechanchim, mechanchos, and parent body that inspire the generosity Cheder Chabad has seen today,” said Rabbi Lisbon.
“This past year our school became the proud owners of the former 55,000 square foot Beth Jacob campus. Our school can now grow well into the future as our student population has already topped 120 children!” he said.
thats my sister!
Go MIrra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just giving a shout out to Rikal Kaler for all her hard work!!!
this would not have been possible without her!!!
you know who
go Baltimore
Best place to live!!