Biography of the Rebbe Hits Amazon’s Top 100
It has not even been published yet, but Rabbi Joseph Telushkin‘s latest book, Rebbe: The Life and Teachings of Menachem M. Schneerson, the Most Influential Rabbi in Modern History has hit Amazon’s list of its 100 best selling books.
The book had only joined the list one day ago, but is already occupying 42nd place, and rising fast.
The biography was written in honor of the upcoming 20th anniversary of the Rebbe’s passing on 3 Tammuz, 5754 (1994). It will be published this Tuesday, June 10th.
Not even published yet?
You state that “It has not even been published yet….”
Then how is it that we have a copy in our living room, and we have absolutely no “inside track” connections with anyone associated with the book?
The statement is correct. This book is officially being released on 6/10
What that means is that the publisher communicates that it will be available in stores on that date. By the way, as as curiosity, the Tuesday release date is an industry standard. To be in stores by the “official” date, it obviously has to be shipped to the stores prior to that. Once the stores get it, normally at their discretion, that can already put on their shelves. That’s most likely how you got yours. You went to a store that got it in time to be on their shelves on 6/10 and chose to start selling as soon as they got it. In Amazon’s case, they announced that the book would be available for 6/10 – they also got the book prior to that. I bought my copy from them and they already e-mailed me that they had my book ready for shipment yesterday and that I should get it by tomorrow. Coincidentally 6/10, the official realese date!
Worth it !!
Def buy this book !!! Well worth it !!
Dolores O.
I don’t know about you, but I am ordering NOW!
to # 1
not published and available for Amazon customers yet
Just an FYI...
Did you notice the section that its listed under?
its a #1 best seller in Christian Lit.
Book is now in the top 20