Gan Yisroel Head Staff Meet Up to Plan Summer
The Head Staff of Camp Gan Yisroel of Parksville, NY recently met with the camp’s veteran executive director, Rabbi Avrohom Shemtov, to discuss plans for the upcoming summer.
Rabbi Shemtov shared words of inspiration and expounding on the Rebbe’s ideal in creating Camp Gan Yisroel. He shared with the staff the Rebbe’s vision for a camp that not only effects positive change in the children during the summer, but has a lasting impact throughout the year.
Camp Director Rabbi Yossi Futerfas and returning Head Counselor Rabbi Nachman Dov Wichnin were on hand to help with curriculum building and program planning.
“Gan Yisroel Elite,” a fun, mission-oriented incentive program, which was an amazing success last summer, will be returning to camp this summer. In addition, an innovative Davening Program was created to further motivate growth among the campers.
Thoughts and ideas were shared for more amazing innovative programs that will be implemented in camp this summer, promising to make this year more exciting than ever before.
Pictured in the photos:
Rabbi Avrohom Shemtov – Executive Director of Camp Gan Yisroel
Rabbi Yossi Futerfas – Camp Director
Head Counselors:
Rabbi Nachman Dov Wichnin – Brooklyn, NY
Sruli Baron – Columbia, MD
Yossi Dalfin – North Bay Village, FL
Motti Harlig – Las Vegas, NV
N.O.D. Head:
Sruli Bronstein – Crown Heights
Learning Directors:
Sholom Lipszyc – Long Island, NY
Ariel Stern – Eretz Yisroel
Bar Mitzvah Division Heads:
Ashi Greenberg – Morristown, NJ
Shmuly Wolff – Crown Heights
guess who???
GO ARIEL!!!!!!