64 Mitzvah Tanks Conquer New York City
64 Mitzvah Tanks rolled through the streets of New York City today in honor of the Rebbe’s 64 years of leadership and his 112th birthday.
The parade traveled through Brooklyn, across the Manhattan Bridge, up Manhattan’s 5th Avenue then back down 6th Avenue. From there the Tanks, loaded with Pesach Guides and Matzah, dispersed across the city where they took up posts to do Mivtzoim.
Tens of thousands of Jews are being reached thanks to this magnificent spectacle, which surly brings much nachas to the Rebbe.
Photos by Itsik Roytman
Go Meir Guigue!!!
Go meir u did a awesome job!! Gr8 effort!!! Look good in orange!!!
We love u!!
<3 the family
Abba Meir Eli and ari Keep up the great work your doing great much love
Your son brother and cousin in moscow
There is a boss
Thanks Mordy Hirsch for all u do for the tankisten not just today but all year round even when it’s not cool.
Yakov Pilavsky ( Live in Brooklyn now0
Living in Rostov on Don, Russia was never easy as a Jew. How much more so as a religious Jew. Whenever, we had try to keep mitzvot we were to sure kept back from progressing in our trials.
However, it did not stop our children, and their pure Neshamot to strive for more, Perhaps the air in the country in the early 90’s was different or perhaps they were more brave and more daring than their previous generation to do what is right. To try and be real Jews in every sense of a word.
My daughter and my nephew were becoming increasingly interested in Yiddeshkait, not just through attending events in our local shul and davening on Yomim Tovim, Jewish Holidays but keeping the mitzvot in the real sense of a word. As many as they could, under the difficult circumstances. For example, to keep Shabbat, they had to endure going to the public school and abstain from writing anything down and ask for notes from their classmates the next day, as Saturday was a compulsory day at school.
In Rostov, our dear friend and our shliach at the time, Eliyashiv Kaploun was sent a group of bochurim to assist with the amazing work he was doing already. Bochurim have adopted into the community very well and have become good friends with our family. Some in particular have became close friends. They have started daily chavrusa with my nephew. Our children were always present at the shul not only for davening but the shabbat meals as well. And the close friendship has blossomed
Sometime after a couple of the bochurim asked if our children would like to attend a proper Jewish high school …. Perhaps in NY???
We all thought it was a nice gesture, but let’s be real, how will a 19 year old young men could pull this off?? Organise for 2 Jewish teenagers to leave freshly -established Russian Republic to obtain visas to go abroad?? Who would let them out?? Who would take upon themselves the task of organising not only paperwork, but accommodation for them , finance the project…. and the list goes on. Their enthusiasm in the idea of helping 2 Jewish kids to be given a chance to further their Yiddeshkait was so inspiring , it was hard to refuse them and we said ‘yes’ to their efforts; ‘yes’ to go ahead with the arrangements.
Months went by; some bochurim left; other came to replace them…. And then one summer day we had a phonecall from our enthusiastic friend. Yossi, one of the bochurim, had called to say he hasnt’t forgotten about us or the promise to help our children. He had personal matters to attend to but now he was able to deliver his promise and he’d call after the summer with an update. Again, we smiled and politely thanked for his efforts. We knew better!!!This is not an easy task and really may never take off at all!!
You know what they say, a man plans and Gd laughs… Yossi did keep his promise. He did find schools for our children. Not in NY as he first hoped, yet London was to be the destination. Yossi after all was from London and it was more convenient to organise the schools, the living accommodations in the UK. To our utter surprise the student visas were granted right away with the British Consulate worker commenting that he himself never seen the process going so smoothly and speedy in all his time working in Soviet Union/Russia.
Upon hearing the exciting news about the visas , the arrangements were made immediately by Yossi to come to Rostov for the very first available Shabbat and after the weekend to travel with our children to London.
And so it was, that Shabbat celebrations were on the high. Everybody was excited, our children looking forward to the possibilities ahead
Yet there was another person in the room who was more pleased than anyone else … The grandmother
She proudly said to us that she knew this day would come, she knew that The Rebbe will reply to her letter ….
You see, as we sat down that weekend and discovered that our story started few years before the bochurim came that winterly day to Rostov.
As Soviet Union started to fall apart and the future of the country was unpredictable, the future for the Jewish population of the country even more so, who would better give the needed answers and the words of reassurance and guidance to them?
In our grandmother’s understanding only one person – The Rebbe. She heard his encouraging words on tapes her grandchildren became accustom to listen to outloud in the apartment they shared. She read their magazines full the inspiring true life stories when the Rebbe has helped so many. she also decided to write a letter herself. Like any other worrying Jewisg grandmother, she poured her heart out in the letter asking The Rebbe for help and advise.
But no letter came back from The Rebbe with the reply… Not after a week or month or ever..
At that point in his life The Rebbe stopped answering individual letters due to the reduced health
Yet, the Rebbe has not stop his usual Sunday dollars, where he stood for hours on his feet at 770, giving out Brocho after Brocho to hundreds of people waiting in lines .
That fateful Sunday a group of Bochurim went by the Rebbe to ask for a Brocho before going off to the summer camps, Gan Yisroel, in Russia. The Rebbe listened to their request, gave them his Brocho and a dollar and then turned to the next Bochur in line and said ‘you are also going to Russia’.
The young man was surprised to hear these words and replied that he wasn’t going at all.
Yet, The Rebbe looked at him again and repeated in a more affirmative manner
‘you are also going to Russia’.
That bochur’s name was Yossi….
The grandmother words that weekend in Rostov were correct – the Rebbe did answer.. The Rebbe’s answer is still going strong. Nowdays not only our children bringing Hashem and us a real yiddeshe nachas, but also our granchildren.
Mendy Kupfer
You did an amazing job!!
CH resident
and the best part is: YOSSI’S BUS!!
we wait every year to cheer YOSSI’S BUS!
Yasher Koach to Rabbi Marosov for continuing the hallowed tradition of bringing his class to do the Rebbe’s Mivtzoim on Yossi’s Bus!
every year, Rabbi Marosov’s class encounters hundreds of yidden, bringing matza and Pesach joy to yidden in Brighton Beach, lighting up many neshamos in the zechus of Yosef Yitzchok Halevy Sherr (obm).
Yasher Koach to the Tank Directors for continuing this fantastic tradition!