Cheder at the Ohel Students Tested on Laws of Tefilin
Rabbi Dovber Grunblatt‘s 7th grade class at Cheder at the Ohel was honored to have Rabbi Shmuel Horowitz farher them on his own sefer, Shevach Yekor, on the laws of Tefilin and other things related to the age of Bar-Mitzvah.
Rabbi Horowitz is also the author of Shevach Hamoadim on the laws of Yomtov, Shvach Habris on the laws of Bris Milah, as well as other Seforim.
The class was tested on the entire contents of the Sefer, includes the laws and customs of Tefilin, the Bar Mitzvah and Krias Hatorah. The students had been studying the Sefer from the beginning of the year until last month, with some intervals for Yomim Tovim.
Each boy in the class who participated and passed the test received a beautiful certificate and brand new Sefer.
Founded in 1996, Cheder at the Ohel, a wonderful alternative to big schools and large classrooms, is located just behind a beautiful state park only 10 minutes away from the Ohel. The student body consists of boys Pre1A through 8th grade.
The melamed
Credits to the melamed
idishe mame
Berel, shkoiach! mechail el choil! continue to give naches to the Rebbe and thanks for the naches for us!
A big hug
De un amigo uruguayo…
A chassidishe cheder
Best environment