Lubavitchers Visit Victims of Disengagement
Thousands of Chabadniks from around the Holy Land put aside their jobs and activities to travel to the Town of Chomesh to participate in a mission to show support for the beleagured Jews of Shomron.
The highlight of the visit was a carnival for children, speaches and activities at the Town of Chomesh. The carnival was for children evacuated during the disengagement. (Visitors were welcome too!) The Event was attended by Minister Yuli Edelstein, MKs Mr. Danny Danon, Mr. Michael Ben-Ari and Mr. Aryeh Eldad. They spoke to the crowd about the great danger facing Israel today from it’s own policies giving away vital land so desparately needed for the Jewish countries tenous security. While others in the government call Iran Israel’s biggest problem, the visiting politicians instead placed the blame on the reckless foreign policy based on “Land for Peace”. Speaking to the attendees, many of whom were displaced Israelis both non-religious and Orthodox, the speakers told of how Israel was built with the outlying kibbutzim and yishuvim as being the historical backbone of Israel’s security.
Speakers called for governmental support for the refugees to return to their homes in the name of national security. Homes, land and valuable farms and businesses all given away as “Land for Peace”. While peace may not have come from these areas, the Arabs who took over afterward found themselves armed with strategic launching areas for their missiles at Jewish targets. A problem that the government concedes is an issue but has no answer for.
Council head Gershon Mesika praised SOS-Israel as a most generous organization, that has for years befriended the disenfrancised refugee Israelis from the disengaged areas. Supporting them with protests and with money, manpower and afterwards not stopping their unceasing campaigns to advertise the folly of land for peace. How many thousands of travelers SOS-Israel has brought to Samaria to see the beauty of land and campaigned for Israel to keep it and its rich natural resources. Resources Israel now has to pay through the nose to have imported.
Rabbi Shai Gefen, Director of SOS-Israel, heartily thanked the SOS-Israel’s Rabbi Motti Markowitz who coordinated all the organizations, the many busses and arranged for the details of this historical trip. They thanked the Vaad of Kfar Chabad and its committee headed by R. Yami Lifshitz, Deputy Mayor of Kiryat Malachi Haim Steiner, member of the Safed SOS committee Reb Moshe Ohayon and Beitar Illit council member Uri Holtzman, who generously helped to subsidize transportation for the many Lubavitch families who attended.
Nice show of strength… Let the so called Arab P’s see what’s going on… chazak u’boruch