1,700 Temimim Dedicate One Full Day to the Rebbe
In Kfar Chabad on the eleventh day of Nissan, the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s 110th birthday, 1,700 Chabad temimim gathered together for a special day that was entirely dedicated to the Rebbe.
The bochurim attended Farbrngens, went on a 62 tank parade around Israel – after after which they continued to do Mivtzoim, and wrote a pan to the Rebbe
At the event a Kovets He’oros on the Rebbe’s teachings, from students in all of the yeshivos around Israel, was presented.
A special Tshurah was given out to all of the temimim as well.
A Female
Wow Very inspiring! This is what Lubavitch is!
Kol Hakovod to Rabbi Mendy Kanelsky for organizing and running this year after year only better and with more nachas ruach to the Rebbe