An attempt by a Lubavitcher bochur to keep children in the learning loop during the vacation days of Pesach has been gathering a following.

Pesach Hotline Keeps Kids Learning During Vacation

An attempt by a Lubavitcher bochur to keep children in the learning loop during the vacation days of Pesach has been gathering a following.

The “Chassidisher Pesach Hotline” an audio recording on the telephone, geared for all children under Bar and Bas Mitzvah, offers a daily dose of Dvar Torahs, questions, jokes and more.

The phone number is 559-726-1249

The project was initiated by Yossi Bryski, who runs the OTEG (Oholei Torah Eighth Grade) club in Crown Heights.

Together with his brother Mendy Bryski, they recorded segments – some posing as conversations – for each day other then Yomtov or Shabbos.

We wanted “to give children a few moments in the days in between school to have some learning in a fun exciting way, Plus they have a chance to win prizes by answering questions on some of the days,” they told

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