Tank Parade Braves Toronto Weather

As 11 tanks rolled out of Chabad Lubavitch of Toronto’s parking lot and made their way down Bathurst St., the 680 news room was flooded with calls about a mobile parade making its way down south in the pouring rain.

The parade drove down Yonge St, a very busy popular area, until Lawrence Ave., where the tanks split up to their pre-determined locations around Toronto.

Once again arranged and organized by Mendy Goldberg, Shmuli Shuchat and Dovid Goldberg, the project has been in planning for many weeks, and with the Rebbe`s help and brochos was very successful.

The tanks were well stocked with Matzah, Tefillin, Neshek, and Pesach guides ready to spread the awareness of Pesach around the Greater Toronto Area.

The weather did not dampen the Yud Alef Nissan spirit for the Bochurim and children, who took to the streets of Toronto with an incredible chayus, and within a few hours of Mivtzoim managed to don Tefillin on hundreds of men and boys, give out hundreds of Neshek to the women and girls, and distribute around 2,000 Matzos and many Pesach guides.

The organizers expressed their hope that these 11 tanks, corresponding to each decade of the Rebbe’s life, should bring Nachas to the Rebbe and bring Moshiach Now.


  • Stum

    Yasher Koach GOLDBERGS..you are amazing… Your grandparents in Crown Heights are gleaning much chassidishe nachas for all the work you’ve done as well as your parents in Thornhill, Canada.
    You have put Toronto on the chassidisher map. Lovely pix’s.

  • shmuly c

    a big yasher koach to the goldbergs and shmuly shuchat and to the goldbergs neighbour……….

  • Antie Annie

    Rabbi Aisenbach of Montreal – Ashrecha! What a chassidishe tribe you have kah, the Goldbergs, the Aisenbachs, great to see all your offspring’s doing the Rebbes work, especially yossel:)

    The thre GG )great Goldebrgs, thankx for producing the parade) TY for organizing it

  • Give credit where it is due!!!

    This article should give credit where it is due – to the head shaliach of Onatrio, Rabbis Zalman Ahron and Itche Grossbaum for sponsoring and organizing such a wonderful city wide pe’ulah. The Rebbe is so proud of all the wonderful things you do for Toronto and Ontario!!

  • I spot the Rov in picture 10!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The Rov is seen at the tanks just before they leave, just like the Rebbe z”l would sometimes see off the tanks, ah…those were the days my friend, we thought they would never end…we are older but no wiser, for we are still the same…

  • Mendy and Dovid Goldberg

    Kol Hakavod to Shimon Goldberg for initiating and producing this amazing project the 5th year ! May Hashem give you the strength to go mechayil el choyil and together with your fellow partners , Dovid , Shimon and “Yossi” may we all be zoche to bias goel tzedek – Now!
    A secret admirer from a very far off country

  • California cousins

    Good job Mendy, Dovid and Shimon. So cute to see Yossi training too. Keep up your good work.

  • whats the connection to grossbaum

    Job well done!
    Yasher Koach Mendy and Dovid!

  • Give credit where it is due!!

    Give credit where it is due!! This entire pe’ulah would not take place without the support and backing of the Head Shaliach Rabbis Zalaman Ahron and Itche Grossbaum. They are the silent guiding hand behind everything done in Toronto, yet they are humble and don’t seek credit for it, actually they make others feel that it happened independently on its own. (The simple proof is: Since when does a company rent out RV’s to teenage boys??? And if the Head SHaliach did not sponsor the event, why are the tanks are lined up outside the Lubavitch Center???)