Rabbi Krinsky Second Most Powerful Rabbi in U.S.

In their annual ranking of America’s most powerful Rabbis, Newsweek ‘demoted’ Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, leader of the Chabad Lubavitch network of rabbis, to second place. In first place – the spot Rabbi Krinsky usually occupies – is Rabbi David Wolpe, of Los Angeles’ Conservative Sinai Temple.

From the JTA:

Rabbi David Wolpe, a popular author and public speaker, made his debut atop Newsweek’s list of the 50 most influential American rabbis.

Wolpe, of Los Angeles’ Sinai Temple, moved up from No. 2 a year ago on the 2012 list, which was released Monday. He swapped spots with Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, the chairman of Chabad-Lubavitch’s educational and social services network, who was No. 1 on the last two lists.

Two Reform rabbis were next: Peter Rubinstein, senior rabbi of New York’s historic Central Synagogue, and David Saperstein, head of the Reform movement’s Religious Action Center, were No. 3 and 4. Saperstein held the top spot in 2009. Conservative Rabbi Sharon Brous, head of the IKAR community in Los Angeles, rose from 10th last year to become the first female to crack the top 5.

Among the criteria used to determine America’s top 50 rabbis were their impact on Judaism and beyond the Jewish community; the size of their constituencies; their social/political influence; and their media presence, Abigail Pogrebin wrote in Newsweek’s sister publication, The Daily Beast.

Pogrebin, along with Gary Ginsberg, executive vice president of Time Warner Inc., and Michael Lynton, CEO of Sony Corp., selected this year’s list. The first list appeared in 2007.


  • Sruly

    I’m in shock that Krinsky makes the list at all, cause the other 49 are Choshuv ( in their own stlye kind of way ) on their own merit, he’s only there cause of the 4,000 Shluchim!

  • I went through the list

    “21. Shmuel Kamenetsky (Haredi)”

    Is Chabad Orthodox or Heredi? What’s the difference?

  • to number 3

    Its not the 50 most rabbinic welfare programs. Nothing against Rabbi Kotlarsky and his amazing work but this list is for well known Rabbi’s

  • chaim

    What do we care about newsweek? Did this help another Jew put on tefillin? build a new mikva?

  • to # 7

    I know that… and I’m asking is Chabad Orthodox or Heredi?

    Why is Chabad not considered ultra orthodox?

  • to number 10

    your obviously not a Rabbi as your header claims. Enough said… troll on

  • Tuviah

    I met a Rabbi Krinsky in Vilnius (Lithuania) on a Palm Sunday with all the goyem racing to church. He was standing on the corner and asked me if I want to put on tefillin. I told him I’d rather do it in the privacy of his home.