Rashi’s E-mail: How to Stop Crying

About six months ago, Mrs. Rashi Minkowicz’s aunt Mrs. Shaindy Lieberman, Shlucha to Fort Lauderdale, FL, passed away at the age of 59. It happened a few days before the Yahrtzeit of Rashi’s grandmother and namesake, Mrs. Rashi Gansbourg, who also passed away at the young age of 37.

Rashi wrote the email below to her siblings and cousins. The title of the email was “How to Stop Crying.”

Rashi’s husband Hirshy requested that, In keeping with Rashi’s style of ‘saying it as it is,’ we present the email to our readers unedited and in full.

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This Friday is bubby Rashis Yahrtzeit and I keep thinking today of the story of how Zaidy Gansbourg was dancing on simchas Torah with such intense joy just a few days after  bubby Rashi died.

I keep asking myself what am I taking from today’s tragedy and the Yahrtzeit of bubby Bubbu Rashi… As my bitter tears fall into my mixing bowl I can’t help but wonder if Zaidy Gansbourg would be proud of my falling apart.

Would he be looking down and seeing that we are truly living his message or are we falling apart which is the easy way out.

Obviously we know what we need to do.  Somehow we need to transform the energy of our crying into joy because joy is as productive as sadness is destructive .

Both require energy… To be joyful in face of unbearable sadness is the hardest challenge of all.

But Zaidy did it as a true Chassid and an entirely godly man.

We need to take his lead and triumph over our natural reactions to this crazy world of pain and darkness.

If God could be crazy so can we.

Crazy enough to accept His challenge and forge ahead.

Just rambling but I need to keep saying this so I don’t completely destruct.

May Zaidy Gansbourg and Bubby Rashi and Shaya Gansbourg look down at their family and offspring and know that while they are gone we continue to keep their spirit alive by smiling while we are weeping and by continuing to climb the arduous mountains that are put in our way.

And may the Neshoma of Shaina Chaya bas Rochel Leah be begging Hashem along with all the other special Neshomos that were taken way too soon that Moshiach come NOW!!!

Wishing u all a good yomtov!
Rashi Minkowicz


  • hashem.

    rashi, i didnt have the privilege of knowing you. but i feel like i do. please, go to hashem and demand for moshiach. we cant take it anymore.

  • Dallas

    Printing also.. Thank you Rebbetzin. This was much needed strength in these moments of almost unbearable pain.

  • Avigail Hasofer

    I had chills as I read this message. May we heed her words and express joy despite the pain.

  • Helena Goldberg - Sydney, Aus

    I also didn’t know you Rashi but the woman for whom you named your Henya is my Rebbetzin so I feel like i know you a little .. no doubt you received some reception in shemayim! and no doubt your work as a shlucha has really begun now as you have the privileged place of being close enough to Abishter to really demand all that we desperately need down here .. Moshiach NOW!!!!!