Crown Heights Badatz Calls on Community to Join Protest Against IDF Draft

The Crown Heights Beis Din, headed by Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba, released a ‘Kol Kore’ today calling on the Lubavitch community in Crown Heights and the greater tri-state area to participate in the protest against the Israeli government’s plan to draft Yeshiva students into the IDF.

The protest follows a massive gathering that took place this past Sunday in Jerusalem, in which almost half a million Orthodox Jews – including the Chabad community – participated.

The American protest is scheduled to take place Sunday, March 9th, on Water Street in lower Manhattan at 2:00pm.

More information on the event from VIN News:

At the request of Rabbis in Israel, American Rabbis have asked that Jews in New York should join in a large Prayer gathering that will take place on Water Street in lower Manhattan this Sunday (March 9) beginning at 2:00 p.m.

According to a press release by Agudath Israel, the gathering will echo this past Sunday’s mass prayer event in Jerusalem, which brought out hundreds of thousands of Jews in response to the Israeli government’s ongoing attempt to Draft Israeli Yeshiva students into the Army.

The New York gathering, which will include a special area for women who wish to participate, will begin with ‘Mincha’ and consist of the recital of Tehillim and special prayers in unison.

Buses are expected to bring participants to the gathering location from communities and institutions outside the immediate New York area, but New York residents are being urged to take public transportation to the site, which is well serviced by the subway system, and to not attempt to drive into Manhattan for the gathering.

Agudath Israel stressed in their press release, that although they are providing information regarding the planned mass prayer event, the gathering is not being organized under the auspices of Agudath Israel of America.

Kol Kore-page-001

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    this is not lubavitch’s shita or the rebbe’s shita. this is pure bittul torah and a lubavitcher bochur has no place at this rally or any other…its a shame the rabbonim come out with this letter….i ahve respect for the rabbonim, but these rallies are known the rebbe didnt like them and didnt want bochurim (or anash) there….

    • Milhouse

      What are you talking about? Who said anything about bochurim? Of course a yeshivah bochur belongs in seder, and not at rallies or the army or anywhere else. That’s what this is all about! But since when was the Rebbe against rallies? Where do you come up with such nonsense?

    • Kop Mentch

      Where does Milhouse find all his foolishness: “Who said anything about bochurim? Of course a yeshivah bochur belongs in seder, and not at rallies or the army or anywhere else.”

      A mitzvah that requires the personal involvement and cannot be accomplished by others proceeds learning Torah.

      One is REQUIRED to stop learning to do such a mitzvah!

      Especially when the mitzvah or activity will ultimately add to future learning Torah (such as sleeping – when one sleeps he is not learning, yet if he is sleep deprived, it will be detrimental to his future learning next day).

      Therefore, as Maran v’Rabbanan paskened that bochurim MUST attend!

      But the foolishness is that Milhouse assumes that by attending, the bochurim are not learning – they can and DO learn on the bus and at the rally!!

  • why is still an issue?

    I thought they passed a law in the Kenneset allowing Schlichus to be counted as Army service? The last thing Lubavitch needs is to be associated with those crazy fanatic people in Israel who suck off the government while at the same time throwing stones at fellow Jews. Chabad should not be involved in this.

    • Milhouse

      First of all, no, the Knesset never passed any such law. I don’t know where you get such ideas.

      Second, even if they did, what has that got to do with anything? Yeshivah bochurim are not on shlichus.

      Third, even if all Lubavitcher bochurim were exempted, what kind of attitude is that? Ani es nafshi hitzalti?! Other people’s Torah isn’t important?!

      And get this through your head: Lubavitch is a solidly charedi movement. We are “those crazy fanatic people”, and if you don’t like it then go find some other movement.

    • Kop Mentch

      Milhouse claims: “get this through your head: Lubavitch is a solidly charedi movement.”

      That is NOT the position of some prominent Roshei Yeshvos as per Asifa.

  • Eli

    I don’t understand this. We only have one country in this world. If we are able to help defend it, why wouldn’t we? Shouldn’t the Rabbonim push for some type of Yeshiva learning within the army rather than rejecting it entirely? Didn’t the Rebbe wish for the success of the soldiers and don’t we need a strong army?

    • Milhouse

      Eli, you are waging war against the Rebbe. You know very well that the Rebbe was 100% against yeshivah bochurim being drafted. Learning Torah is the only true protection the country has, and chayolei beis dovid belong in front of a sefer, not holding a gun.

      The Rebbe thought highly of those whose role in life is to be soldiers, just as he did of those who are plumbers and firemen and all kinds of other useful and necessary occupations, but none of them come close to the importance of full-time limud hatorah.

    • Kop Mentch

      ” all kinds of other useful and necessary occupations, but none of them come close to the importance of full-time limud hatorah.:

      Except “shlichus” which clearly trumps limud hatorah, as long-term kollel learning is not encouraged in Chabad!

      I am told one year kollel is the MAX (except rare dispensations that allow for 3 years kollel), WOW!

      In the Yeshivish World, 5 years kollel are for basic learners, while 10 years is normal / average.

      I am in year 15 so far and many are in kollel for life. Ahreinu!

  • Not the only one

    There have been complaints that there wasn’t one Rav from Chabad listed on the Kol Koreh. But, there wasn’t one from Satmar either, yet, they are going.

    Nevertheless, the issue is so important, that I think we should put that aside and go. Could it be that they think we don’t want to be on the list? So, if they see that we are participating, then, next time, they may invite Chabad Rabbonim to sign.

    • Anonymous

      They have since the 1970s hesder which yeshiva boys devise their army service from yeshiva and combat duties

    • Milhouse

      Yes, we all know about hesder. And we all know that the Rebbe did not accept it. So why do you bring it up?

  • really?

    when they need to rent a crowed they call chabad? why didnt they have one chabad rabbi sign the flyer?

    • Kop Mentch

      I am an “outsider” from your community and yet I cannot agree more.

      Over 54 signatures, not one Chabad Rov.


      2 possible answers: either They did not want to include a Chabad Rov or Chabad Rabbonim were approached to sign but they did nor want to be included.

      Either way, Chabad should have sat this one out.

      Seems the vast majority did, but the leadership of CH Rabbonim issue a Kol Koreh and are seen showing up because couldn’t resist pretending that they are welcome.

      Where is their “Geon Yaakov” (self respect and pride)?!

  • ..... what ever happened to society.

    If you are not with, do not be against. You are not entitled to have a say in the matter.

  • Hypocrisy of rabbis

    This is so sad.
    The rabbinom can’t find peace amongst themselves so they encourage strife and arguments amongst others too?
    And if there is no army in Israel, who will protect all the important “few who sit and learn” all day?
    Is their blood cheaper then the bums who come here and hang out in 770 and cause fights? Or sit around and drink in yeshivah all night??
    It’s every Jews responsibility to protect Israel. Not just to have the “nonreligious” sacrifice and give up their lives to protect the religious ones.
    Maybe his next letter will say that we should go to Iran to meet with those mamzerim too???

    • Milhouse

      This is apikorsus. Plain and simple. What do you mean, who will protect those who learn all day? You fool, they are the ones who protect everyone! The gemoro says clearly that talmidei chachomim don’t need protection. How dare you disagree? The Rebbe said very clearly that soldiers do not keep the country safe, learners do.

    • Kop Mentch

      Milhouse freaks out when someone disagrees with him. His advantage is that he sometimes know a little more than them, so they have no ability to respond.

      I will answer for THEM (my opinion is NOT with them for other reasons):

      The Gemara in Sotah 44b says that everyone must go to war for a milchemes mitzvah – even a kallah from her chuppah.

      No one is exempt from a milchemes mitzvah. Any war of pikuach nefesh (of survival) is a milchemes mitzvah!

    • Please

      If that is the case, Milhouse, then I don’t see the point of an army. Do you?


    I am going to protest the 10 weeks summer vacation.

    10 whole weeks that all our Yeshivas are closed down.

    10 weeks of total Bittal Torah and Prekase ol.

  • Very important the old lubavitch will go

    Nubavich won’t, will be busy elevating the lost sparks

    • YMSP

      How true. How sad. How far we’ve fallen (judging by some of the comments).

  • Count Me Out

    Another reason why Yidishkeit is down in the dumps. These “Rabbis” have completely lost their marbles. They are not following the way of Torah and Mitzvos.
    No one should listen to them. The rally is a total Chilul HaShem. Moshe Rabbeinu must be turning over in his grave, along with all the Tzadikim throughout the generations.

    • Milhouse

      What are you talking about? What do you know about Torah or mitzvos? Are you even shomer shabbos?!

    • Kop Mentch

      Milhouse freaks out when someone disagrees with him. His advantage is that he sometimes know a little more than them, so they have no ability to respond.

      I will answer for THEM (my opinion is NOT with them for other reasons):

      The Gemara in Sotah 44b says that everyone must go to war for a milchemes mitzvah – even a kallah from her chuppah.

  • Moshe Yitzchok

    The notion that a person, for religious purposes, should not have to serve in the IDF, is ridiculous. Why should some men and women in the IDF risk their lives protecting others, who sit and learn all day? Is one’s blood “holier” than others?’ It is every Israeli’s responsibility to serve in the IDF, regardless of their religious choices.

    • Milhouse

      The Torah says the opposite. The Torah says it is FORBIDDEN to draft talmidei chachomim, and anyone who does so will be punished. End of story. It is exactly like breaking shabbos or eating chazer. If you support drafting yeshivah bochurim you are not a frum Jew.

      The Rebbe said that it is those who learn all day who protect the soldiers, not the other way around.

    • Kop Mentch

      Milhouse, : “The Torah says it is FORBIDDEN to draft talmidei chachomim,”

      Yep, Moshe Rabbenu fought wars because he wasn’t a talmid chochom.

      Yehoshua, never left the tent… except for leading wars, because he wasn’t a talmid chochom.

      Dovid Hamelech – did he lead wars or was he a talmid chochom?

      Seems, according to Milhouse, one is exclusive of the other!

  • medel

    i have total respect for harav azdoba and harav segal.
    but this letter is a shame….its against what we beleive in….the rebbe was never against the idf…this rally is a pure chilul hashem. it shows charaidi jews are nuts…

    no point in this rally. llimud hatorah is very important but thats for aguch in israel to negotiate with the idf.

    i feel sick the rabbonim dont see this.

    • Milhouse

      Stop lying. Nobody is against the IDF. This rally is not against the IDF, it’s against drafting yeshivah bochurim. And the Rebbe was 100% against drafting even one yeshivah bochur.

  • Rachmono Litlzan!

    Again a whole bunch of ppl who havent opened a sicha of the Rebbe in 10 yrs speak in the name of “Chabad!”
    You are entitled to your opinions but Chabad’s view is the Rebbe’s -and ONLY the Rebbe’s- call.
    The Rebbe’s opinion is CLEAR!
    If he does he is aiding the enemy!
    These are the Rebbe’s words!
    If you don’t belive me, look them up. They are printed!
    תו”מ ח’ נ”א
    This rally is a asifa for davening while showing that we don’t agree with the plan to stop all bochurim from learning.
    I do not know what the Rebbe would say about the asifa/protest because i did not look up what the Rebbe has to say.
    The Rabbonim probably did.
    So please stop making a chillul lubavitch in the comments by writing against 90% of Frumme Yidden -including the Rebbe’s- daas torah.

    • Milhouse

      Jack, you know very well the Rebbe’s opinon. He did not hide it, and he said it many times over the years. And the biggest proof that he was against drafting yeshivah bochurim is that Lubavitcher yeshivos do not participate in hesder or any other such arrangement.

      Don’t forget that Lubavitch is anti-zionist. The medinah is treif. The IDF is acceptable only because it protects Jewish lives, but no more than the army of any country where Jews live.

  • Yossel

    I thought it was a mitzvah to protect Eretz Yisroel! Doesn’t Tzahal provide Kosher food and accomodate Shomer Mitzvos soldiers?

    A Bochur who is serious about learning should be exempt, but what about those boys who hang out in yeshiva, eating cake and shmoozing alll day? Shouldn’t they be asked to protect our Holy Land? not everyone is zocher to be an illuy!

    • Milhouse

      No, it’s not a mitzvah to protect Eretz Yisroel. It’s a mitzvah to protect Jews wherever they happen to live, no more in EY than anywhere else. But learning Torah comes first. Yeshivah bochurim belong in the zal learning, not in the army, and not wasting time. If a boy has no zitzfleish for learning, then let him go to the army, but the zionist resho’im are coming after all the learners. They want to throw talmidei chachomim in prison. And that’s why there’s a rally.


    This isn’t the Chabad way! Chareidim just cause strife in Israel and we shouldn’t be a part of them. Our way is the way of mending hearts and bringing Jews together NOT TEARING THEM APART! DO NOT GO TO THIS RALLY IT’S A CHILUL LUBAVITCH. WE WILL PAY DEARLY FOR THIS….

    • Milhouse

      What would you know about the Chabad way? Chabad are charedim. The Rebbe was clear about that.

  • Esther

    First of all, what’s coming from these protests is that the non-religious see that religious people expect them to die protecting the lives of every yid in Eretz Yisroel and we not only refuse but are outraged at the idea that anyone should suggest it. How will people want to keep Torah and mitzvos when they see that we think of them as our servants to do what’s beneath us?
    Second, it’s simply not the case that they will throw people who refuse to go to the army in jail. What, they’re going to throw 400,000 people in jail? They can’t afford it, and it would accomplish nothing because they would just sit learning in jail. The government knows this very well, it’s just that a few of them who are anti-religious have to pretend to threaten us to “fulfill” their campaign promises. Surely the proper response is to work against them politically and make a kiddush Hashem in the eyes of the non-religious so they won’t elect such people.
    Third, even if some did go to the army, since when is it impossible to learn while in the army? So they’ll learn in their free time and the rest of the time be protecting yidden. Not every bochur spends all his time learning anyway, better he shouldn’t waste the time when he isn’t. And the serious bochurim would continue learning, because if a yeshiva has to send a certain number of boys they’re not going to send their best learners.
    Finally, nobody doubts that the arabs want nothing more than to slaughter the entire population. How many terror attacks does the army, b”H, prevent every day? If not for them we wouldn’t be talking about yeshivos in the first place because it wouldn’t be safe to build any.

    • Milhouse

      Lubavitch is about bringing people close to Torah, not chas vesholom bringing the Torah close to the people. We do not believe in watering down the Torah to make it more acceptable to the secular. If they can’t accept the authentic Torah then we have no interest in them.

      And yes, this rally is being called because the zionist resho’im are demanding criminal sanctions against those who want to learn full time. They will set an arbitrary number of how many can learn, and anyone beyond that number will be dragged away from the gemoro and taken either to the army or to prison. That’s pure wickedness, and that’s what the rally is about.

      And the Rebbe said clearly that the yeshivos do more than the army to protect people. The gemoro says that if not for Dovid Hamelech’s learning, his army would have had no success. And it says that Oso Hamelech was punished for drafting talmidei chachomim.

  • Again all am haratzim show their ignorance

    Not talking about basic Halacha & yiddish hashkafa, but even the rebbes Sichos & igros these commentators here are lacking any knowledge in.

  • Shneur

    I served in the Army because my great grandparents would have wished for a country like Israel to have been around before they where all gassed. If you don’t want to serve and protect our country then you also should not be trying to rip off the government for as much money as they can (which most charaidim do), the same applies to all the Satmar people that don’t “believe” in the state.

  • YMSP

    Israel’s secret weapon is Torah/Teffilah. Drafting bochurim is like America giving up its nukes. Toras Eretz Yisroel saved lives throughout each of Israel’s miraculous wars since 1948. What a shame that people don’t realize this.

    None of this would be happening without Bennett and his RCA supporters in America. Lapid’s second in command is also a “Modern Orthodox” “Rosh Yeshiva” who, as “Saar HaChinuch” is working hard to prevent chinuch al taharas haKodesh and who has done more damage to Yeshivos than Shalomit Aloni would have ever dreamed of, or would have wanted to do.

    Chabad is frum. Modern Orthodoxy has aligned itself against frumkeit and is trying to destroy the foundations of ehrlich frumkeit and true Torah and no word says a word.

    Once again Rabbi Osdoba and Rabbi Segal deserve thanks for their courage and their fight for Torah and against political considerations. What a shame that two others who shall remain nameless (one old Baal Gaavah and one young Australian) would never sell out their modern orthodox connections in order to defend Torah.

    The Rebbe was against the rallies for Soviet Jewry because they were antagonistic and their end result hurt Soviet Jews. Not sure what to do in this case but something needs to be done and people need to write against these sick decrees.

    • Milhouse

      YSMP, both sets of rabbonim supported the rally. Your accusation against one faction is in this instance misplaced.

    • YMSP

      Glad to stand corrected. (Doesn’t change a lot what they’ve done but glad to see everyone’s on the right side here).

  • Protest this!


  • What others see

    People serving in the army complain that there are some who are enrolled in yeshivas but do not even spend time in yeshiva.

    • Milhouse

      So find those people and draft them. If they actually exist in any significant numbers, which I doubt. The government has been trying hard to prove this and has not been able to. What has this got to do with those who are in yeshivah?

  • To Millhouse

    Where does it say in the Torah that it is forbidden to draft talmedei chochomim? Moshe Rabbeinu had to fight wars, as did Yehoshua.Wasn’t the half-shekel taken from those who go out to war, according to Rashi?

    • Milhouse

      Nedorim 32a.
      Sotoh 10a
      Rambam, Shmitta 6:2 and 13:12
      And of course the Rebbe’s many sichos and letters on this.

  • to Milhouse big commenter

    To sit here in Brooklyn and comment is a cheap shot. If there was a draft here in the US you too would have no choice but go or lose your benefits. Same applies for those living in Israel. Chabad isn’t Chareidim! We do outreach and bring Jews closer to Yidishkeit, chareidim don’t. The Merkaz Harav bochurim who do part time army and part time learning are as frum as any charedi in Bnei Brak. Going to the Army isn’t pulling one away from frumkeit. There are plenty of units that are all men frum with Kahsrus and all. The chariedim won’t be thrown into prison if they refuse to serve, they’ll just lose their benefits (shekels) that’s it! It’s only fair. Why is the average Israeli’s life of less worth than a frum Jews life? They both live in Israel and require protection from those Arabs around them who want to kill all of them.

  • Kop Mentch

    Internet Asifa Redux –

    This is a gathering signed by the SAME organizers who made the Asifa. Remember, Chabad was specifically EXCLUDED from the Asifa, first covertly / passively and then overtly by proclaining “it is an Asifa of Klal Yisroel and CHabad is NOT part of it”.

    What changed? Is Chabad now “part of Klal Yisroel” or do they simply need as many bodies as possible to show up?!

    Either way, WHERE IS THE “GEON YAAKOV” of Chabad Rabbonim (your pride and self respect)?

    Chabad is showing that the ones who “call the shots” have the ability to exclude or include Chabad according to their whims!

    Get it through your head: You will NEVER be part of the chareidi world. You are not a member of the The Yeshivishe Olom – they do not include you, ever!

    You mat be a GUEST at one of their events because they might need you, but then please leave quickly and take your belongings with you.

    • you should be learning Torah

      Sir you are 15 years learning in colel, you do not belong commenting and commenting and commenting on a website..even a holy website like this one here. I live in cubicle hell that’s my excuse. Seriously, you are a fortunate man, go learn Torah.

    • Kop Mentch

      I have a chiyuv to be marnitz Torah and to insure the public merits to hear daas Torah which I developed after many years of non-stop learning to have the zechus to unite my thoughts with the nossen HaTorah.

      I dedicate ma’aser (10%) of my time for such activities to be mezakeh es harabim. Lo hamedrash ha’ikar ela ha’maaseh – to be lilmod ul’lelamed.

    • Citizen Berel

      Mr. Kop Mentch, you have won your second (consecutive) Citizen Berel special comment of the day award.

      It is because you fulfill your chiyuv to be marnitz Torah and to insure the public merits to hear daas Torah which you’ve developed after many years of non-stop learning to have the zechus to unite your thoughts with the nossen HaTorah.

    • Kop Mentch

      If you are making litzonos from me – I am mochel b’lev sholem and even thank you for the opportunity to be ma’aleh midosay, but it hurts me to see a fellow yid who cannot appreciate lomdei Toras Hashem lishma.

    • YMSP

      Do you really think that that’s why they sent people KM? Even if Chabad gets poked at for no reason other than ignorance, Chabad will take part and help out in activities that help Klal Yisroel, without paying attention to unwarranted insults. That’s really all it shows.

    • Kop Mentch

      Citizen Berel, I decline to accept your reward, soneh matonos yichteh (one who detests gifts will live).

    • Kop Mentch

      Remember the kid in school that tried desperately to be accepted by the class “machers”? The kid that was the nebech outcast and would pathetically do anything to be recognized?

      Well, that is how your Chabad leadership acted! No self respected community leader would have acted this way. An appropriate possuk: “seeing ourselves in our eyes as grasshoppers”.

    • YMSP

      You’re assuming that Lubavitchers joined in for kovod. You assume wrongly.

      When Artscroll wanted to make a book documenting Torah Jewish heroism in the former USSR, they searched and searched but all they could come up with was the mesiras nefesh of Lubavitcher chassidim. The Soviets y”s knew of our Chabad Rabbeim and of the heroism of the Chassidim. They couldn’t find a documented Litvisher hero until they found someone who returned to Judaism, and fought, in the 1970s.

      So when it comes to putting their names in the papers and signing chachrozos like the one Philidelphia’s Shmuel Kamenetsky signed against Lipa Schmeltzer (and then told the press that “maybe he shouldn’t have signed it”), your people take the cake.

      But when it comes to standing up for Hashem without political payback (or in spite of, and with complete disregard to any political fall out), these people are nowhere to be found and Lubavitch stands out as a shining example.

      One could be from Mars and look at the history of Torah in America over the last 70 years and still realize that the fact that there are more than a few hundred lomdei Torah (if that) is only because of the devotion of Lubavitch.

      Where did those heroes have the power to give up everything and serve Hashem and stand for yiddishkeit no matter what? That’s where learning Chabad Chassidus comes in. And it’s available for all who want.

    • Kop mensch

      YMSP, any Lamdoim in chabad today are coming from Litvish or Yeshivish roots (The Rosh, Rav Heller, etc).

      True in the ussr they were unable to learn but the fact remains!

  • Milhouse

    Here’s another consideration that nobody is mentioning: this is only the first step. The same resho’im who are trying to conscript the Torah learners are also up in arms about the draft exemption for religious girls. They demand “equality of burden” there too. And if they achieve their goal with the yeshivos, that will be their next project. So all the commenters here who support them about the yeshivos, what will you say when they turn to the girls and try to draft them? Suddenly you’ll discover the Torah? Or will you go along with that rish’us too, r”l?

    • Kop Mentch

      The Gemara in Sotah 44b says that everyone must go to war for a milchemes mitzvah – even a kallah from her chuppah. Stop appealing to the emotions of the readers!

    • YMSP


      1) Rashi – “kgon kibush E”Y bimei Yehoshua” – A direct tzivui. Immediate sakanas anshei ha’ir without defenders would qualify today. A draft would not.

      2) You claim to be from BMG. Now it’s you who’s going against your own mesorah. Kotler the grandfather and the Radiner Rosh Yeshiva (HaRav Mendel Zaks O”H) worked on JB Soloveitchik to oppose gius bonos (drafting girls). Soloveitchik was so hard pressed that he walked out on them.

    • Kop Mentch

      Not all times are the same. Draft of women in peace time – ossur. Draft of women b’sha’as milchoma (imminent sakana) – not only muttar but if they are needed it is a chiyuv.

  • Pinchos Woolstone

    We in Chabad have no place at such rallies, it is not the approach of the Rebbe zy”a.
    The is only one voice and that is the voice of the Nosi HaDor

  • Kop Mentch

    45 signatures, not one Chabad Rov.


    2 possible answers: either Thet did not want to include a Chabad Rv or Chabad Rabbonim did nor want to be included.

    Either way, Chabad should have sat this one out.

    Seems the vast majority did, but the leadership couldn’t resist pretending that they are welcome by issuing a Kol Korah.

  • Hersh Mendel from Toronto

    Don’t think of it in the short term.
    Think long term…firstly once ALL Jews are treated equally and required to perform military service, the barrier that divides Jews will come down much like the Berlin Wall. Secular Jews will have a new found respect for Yeshiva Bochrim…And the skills that bochrim learn will be of benefit as they go onward in their lives. A period in the non Yeshiva world will give those who serve a greater feeling of confidence in their skills and pride in themselves.
    Nothing will prevent them from doing as they wish once military service is completed. The contacts they make in the military will greatly benefit them.
    When the secular see first hand just how capable and committed the Bochrim are to defending Israel, the new found level of respect will erase the former feeling of disgust and anger they harboured.
    Anything that removes barriers and strengthens the unity of all Jews is as Hashem wishes.
    We are his children. We must stop squabling.

    • YMSP

      Your argument reminds me of Hertzl’s (i.e. anti-semitism exists because Jews don’t have their own country, if they did there’d be no anti-semitism).

      We have a Torah. Zechus limud HaTorah saved Jews in Israel in miraculous ways in a number of (historically) recent wars. Preventing/hampering limud HaTorah is not a good thing.

      HaKol Kol Yaakov – ein umnaso shel oomah zu ela b’peh. (Umiklal hein atoh shomeiah…. v’al tiftach peh l… vda”l).

  • Millhouse! Yes!

    Dear Millhouse;
    Many a time I have sparred with you on these pages.
    This time though, you are right on! You have gained my respect! Hatzlacha veChol tuv.