Monsey Fathers & Sons Gather for Final Avos U’banim
Tzemach Tzedek, the main Bais Medrash for the Monsey Chabad Anash community, was buzzing this past past Motzeai Shabbos, Parshas Pekudei-Chazak, as over 75 fathers and sons spent an hour of quality time learning together.
This program was the closing session of the 5774 winter Avos U’bonim season sponsored by Cheder Chabad of Monsey and Tzemach Tzedek.
Before wrapping up the season’s program, Rabbi Yisroel Shusterman, dean of the Cheder and coordinator of the program, told the children how fortunate they were to be able to have this special time with their fathers, joining 20,000 other boys across the USA every Motzeai Shabbos and 100,000 boys around the world enjoying and benefiting from this quality time with their fathers.
He also thanked all the sponsors of these weekly programs so that the boys can enjoy weekly prizes and treats.
Extra raffle prizes were won by a number of boys and then each participant received a special prize for coming. The boys also enjoyed delicious ice cream treats.
proud monsey'ite
What a nachas to see all these fathers spending such wonderful time with their boys! Yasher ko’ach to the Cheder and the Shul for hosting this beautiful program!