Rebbe’s Letter Addresses Yair Netanyahu

A letter was found that was written by the Lubavitcher Rebbe to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in 1991 on the occasion of the birth of his son Yair.

In his bracha the rebbe wrote להכניסו לתורה חופה ומעשים וטובים, as was a common nussach, but added in his own handwriting “ויאיר מזלם,” which some Chabadniks say is generally not a term used by the Rebbe as a good omen.

The son of the prime minister was recently in the news, the topic of reports stating he was romantically involved in a non-Jewish woman from Norway.

The integrity of that report was denied in a statement released by the Prime Minister’s Office.



    • Translation

      First bracha I think is “introduced into the Torah canopy and good deeds”. The handwritten part I think is “and luck to Yair”. I think it can also be “fate” or “destiny”.

  • K

    Child is named “Yair” so adding “Yair Mazalom” is simply a play on words of the child’s name.

  • mendoza

    WOW EVER WROTE THE POST IN YESHIVA WORLD , Said something very not right

    ” .but added in his own handwriting “ויאיר מזלם,” which some Chabadniks say is generally not a term used by the Rebbe as a good omen.”

    who is any one to say this ? its not right .
    ask Rabbi L. Groner if this is true . the REBA would never say or hint any thing bad .

  • flanigan

    “some Chabadniks say is generally not a term used by the Rebbe as a good omen”.

    how can someone say this without citing any sources?!

  • Crown Heights Resident

    If Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would be strong(er) with Sh’lemus Ha’aretz Hashem will help Yair stay away from goyisha women

  • maybe

    To me it seems the Rebbe is making reference to his name Yair, meaning to “light up” their Mazel.

  • Look at the title.

    If the Rebbe gives such a title, we can learn a thing or two about our own attitudes to people

    • Milhouse

      The Rebbe used to use titles casually, unlike the Frierdiker Rebbe. You can’t read anything into them.

  • friends of jews

    what does “romantically involved in a non jewish women from norway” mean?

  • to no. 1.

    It means that his mazal should shine.

    but what is the word in front of the Rebbe’s signature.?

  • Ezra

    The first handwritten note says “ויאיר מזלם,” which as other commenters have pointed out means “and may their mazal [higher spiritual source] shine.” No doubt indeed it’s in reference to the name Yair, but equally well, no doubt that there’s more to it than that.

    (I think, by the way, that people are misunderstanding the statement “some Chabadniks say [it] is generally not a term used by the Rebbe as a good omen.” I read that not as saying that it’s not a good omen, chas veshalom, but rather that it is not an expression the Rebbe usually used, meaning simply that he had a special reason for using it here.)

    The second handwritten note says “בכבוד ו” – with respect and [the blessing of Mazel Tov].

    Also noteworthy is that the Rebbe addresses Mr. Netanyahu as אי”א – ish yerei Elokim, “one who fears G-d.” I don’t recall the source, but I seem to remember the Rebbe himself once saying something about when the Previous Rebbe used such an expression – that either the person is already a yerei Elokim, or that at least the Rebbe is giving him the boost needed to become one…

    • Milhouse

      Yes, the Rebbe said that the previous Rebbe — unlike himself — didn’t use titles casually. If he gave someone a title he meant it. But the Rebbe himself did not do this, so you can’t read anything into the titles he used.

  • MM"Z

    Has this letter been written BEFORE of after Bris? I looks to me the Rebbe gave the boy name – Yair.

    • Ezra

      After the bris. It clearly says, והכניסוהו לבריתו של אברהם אבינו – they entered him into the covenant of our father Avraham.

  • reader's confusion

    a number of the above comments show confusion about this sentence: “which some Chabadniks say is generally not a term used by the Rebbe as a good omen.” It should be rewritten for clarification.

  • you dunt's

    to comment #7 if you know your rebe’s hand writing and reb leibel’s you wouldn’t write what you so stupidly rote