Mrs. Pesha Leah Lapine (holding her child) receiving a dollar from the Rebbe.

22 Years Since Murder of Pesha Leah Lapine, HYD

22 years ago Mrs. Pesha Leah Lapine was murdered al kiddush hashem. The Rebbe took it very personally and attended her Levaya. Later, the Rebbe gave over a Sicha, which was seemingly more addressed to G-d rather than the people in the room.

The Rebbe said this in his address after the tragic murder of the wife and mother of young children:

Everything that occurs in this world is by Divine plan; how much more so when a Jewish life is given in sanctification of G-d’s Name. But that doesn’t make the pain any easier to bear…

It is said that Rabbi Yosef Caro was on such a high level that he earned the opportunity to give his life for G-d. Subsequently, however, he lost that merit, but instead went on to author the Code of Jewish Law. This proves that the merit of giving one’s life in sanctification of G-d’s Name is greater than becoming one of the chief expositors of Jewish law of all time!

As for G-d holding ‘precious’ the self-sacrifice of a Jew, it’s enough that Jews are in exile over 1900 years! May G-d spare us from all further sacrifices, and immediately send the Redemption, and the Resurrection, at which time she and her children will be joyfully reunited.

9 Adar I, 5752 – February 13, 1992