Double Tragedy Unites London Community

Two London Shuls affected by similar tragedies joined together for an evening of Chizuk: Beis Shmuel, affectionately known as ‘Reb Chuna’s’ and Heichal Menachem, the local Anash Shul in Golders Green.

Yisroel Tzvi Bodner, 18 months, and Nochum Tzvi Potash, 8, both suddenly passed away on the same night at the local Royal Free Hospital.

The Bodner family are well respected second generation members of Beis Shmuel; the Potash family are well established members of the Lubavitch community in Golders Green and Stamford Hill.

Tragic as it was, an unbelievable achdus among the Frum community emerged over the ensuing weeks. As both funerals were held back by the local authorities, askonim in both Shuls worked together to organize Shmira, and help from across the community was offered in many different ways.

On Friday, 24 Teves, the Bodner family held a Levaya for their son. When it became know that Nochum Tzvi will not be released for a few more days, calls were received from across London and from the wider Frum community, all offering their time for Shmira. In this spirit of achdus, Shmira was held for 6 days, until the body was released. The Chevra Kadisha could not remember the last time there was such a wait, and were amazed at the help the community offered.

First to speak was Rav Elchonon Halpern, the veteran 92-year-old Rov of Beis Shmuel, who has faithfully led the Frum Kehilla in Golders Green for over 70 years. He spoke of the dangers of the internet and the spreading of Loshon Horo. He was followed by his son Rav Dovid Halpern, Rov of the Beis Hamedrash of Hendon.

Anash were represented by Rabbi Yitzchok Meir Hertz, Rov of the Chabad community, Rabbi Mendel Gordon, Mashpia in the Yeshiva Gedolah and Rabbi Sholom Osdoba, a leading Maggid Shiur in the Shul. Their speeches can be viewed below.

As reported, the community has launched a building campaign for a permanent Lubavitch Shul in Golders Green, which will be named “Beis Nochum Tzvi.” On her Facebook page, Mrs. Esther Potash has called on all her friends to help with this project, and many have already responded by sending donations.  “It will be with the help of Anash across the globe that we will comfort the family and the community, by building a true memory for this young child and finally establish a Lubavitch Center in Golders Green, the hub of the UK Jewish Community,” said one member of Heichal Menachem.












One Comment

  • Yoinosson Golomb

    Rabbi Osdobo thank you for these divray hisoirerous. May all of London become acquainted with you special talents and knowledge.