High School Girls Unite to Prepare for Yud Shvat

A yoma dipagra is a special day to be used to its fullest. Therefore, as Yud Shvat approaches, the Lubavitch girls’ high schools Bais Rivkah, LGHS Chicago, Bais Chomesh Toronto, Bnos Menachem, and Achos Online are joining together for a revolutionary hachana.

Individual girls from London, Pittsburgh and more schools have joined as well.

The girls are hoping to make Yud Shvat, the day of the histalkus of the Frierdike Rebbe and assumption of the nesius of our Rebbe, meaningful and relevant to the youth of today.

The girls are undertaking to collectively learn the entire Likkutei Sichos before Yud Shvat. It is known that the Rebbeim have laid emphasis on learning the Rebbe’s chassidus in order to be a true chassid.

The program is called “Rebbe Glasses” by many schools, with the goal that through learning the Rebbe’s sichos it will bring us to see our world through the Rebbe’s perspective.

Beis Rivkah added the logo Sichapedia, to emphasize the idea that the whole project is like a puzzle being completed as each student adds her piece. One twelfth grader noted, “I love being part of such a big project, where my part still counts.” Working together, each student and her school are helping each other reach the goal.

The organizers have set up a website listing all the sichos to track the program’s progress. The schools check off which sichos they plan to learn. When each sicha is completed they mark off that it was done. In Beis Rivkah the sichos are distributed with a form for the students to write a summary of what they learned. These cards are then put on display in the school.

Through this program the atmosphere in Beis Rivkah has been permeated with a sense of achdus. Joining with other Lubavitch schools to complete the entire Likkutei Sichos has brought the girls together with students from across America and Canada. Teachers in Beis Rivka are contributing their time to learning as well. An eleventh grader was so excited, in fact, “thrilled to pieces,” because she had arranged to learn sichos with a chavrusa that she does not usually see. And another twelfth grader shared these sentiments when she added, “I learn the sichos with my brother. My whole family is involved!”

The G.O. and Achos Hatmimim teamed up to bring incentives and excitement to this hachana. Participation in this program has its rewards. While, of course, the greatest reward is the learning itself and the added hiskashrus to the Rebbe. An eleventh grader commented, “While I learn so much in school, I’m really enjoying the learning on my own time. It is a challenge, but even with my busy schedule I feel fulfilled and accomplished when learn a sicha.” For the first sicha each girl learns, she receives a coupon for the school canteen. Ten sichos earns late passes to school. The Beis Rivkah girl who learns the most sichos will win the grand prize of joining the American trip with Achos Hatmimim.

The students are so enthusiastic to learn that they have pledged to learn over four hundred sichos already! Bringing together schools, students, and their families, the Yud Shvat hachana is a groundbreaking project to bring Chassidim closer to the Rebbe. Iy”h, with the achdus that the girls will gain, and the inspiration from learning in depth, Moshiach will arrive long before Yud Shevat!

If you are a high school girl who is not currently involved in this hachana, but would like to be, you should ask your Bnos Chabad head about joining. You can also contact Beis Rivkah to see how you can get involved. Students can call to learn be provided sichos to learn. If you would like to sponsor an incentive for this program, you can also contact Beis Rivkah. 


  • Anonymous

    Beis Chaya Mushka CH is part of this is well.
    Shkoyach to Rivky Shuchat for being the mastermind behind this project!

  • Anonymous

    Thanks Chaya Newfield for writing the article about the high school hachana for yud shvat!

  • high school student

    the achdus in beis rivkah is amazing! everyone who learned even one sicha today got icecream as a treat by lunch :) it feels so good to be part of such an exciting program

    • Yup! It's amazing!

      Go brhs!
      and all the other schools that are participating!!
      It’s an amazing hachana!!