The Story of Hey Teves: From a Higher Perspective
What is the Role of a Rebbe? In a handwritten note, publicized in the Teves edition of the “A Chassidisher Derher” magazine, the Rebbe lends a rare glimpse at the role the Rebbe embodies. The note is part of an article that brings deeper perspective into the saga surrounding Hey Teves.
In the months prior, during, and following the “Seforim-case” a pattern of stories and Sichos the Rebbe seem to point at a deeper facet which lay beyond the technical details.
The Rebbe’s secretary and Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch chairman Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky relates:
At one point, the Rebbe spoke with me at great length concerning some of the aspects of the court case over the seforim. In addition to our conversation, the Rebbe also handed me a fewpages of these points in his own holy handwriting. Presumably, due to the importance of the subjects we discussed, the Rebbe chose not to rely only on my memory, so that everything would be clear.
An excerpt from those pages:
“כבכל אדמו”רי חב”ד היסוד הראשון: ביטול היש (מתחיל בעצמו) באמיתית. היותו אדמו”ר ה”ז שליחות נפשית ועיקרית, לנהלם ולעודדם בתומ”צ בכלל (מתחיל באמונת ה’ שמירת השו”ע וכו’) ולהראותם דוגמא חי’ בזה (עד כדי מסירות נפש בפועל) ופשיטא לשלול כל פעולה שיוכלו לטעות לפרשם להיפך. לאחר זה באים חייו בתור פרטי וגם בזה יסוד שלא נוגע כלל בתפקידו הכללי והעיקרי…”
“הראי’ העיקרית והשוללת כל הטענות שכנגד: מכתב המוריש רשמית דשייך לאגודת חסידי חב”ד. הקס”ד אולי כתב רק לפנים (היינו טיפשות) והאומר כך זהו חילול השם הכי גדול ועד כדי כך שהאומר כך (במזיד) צריך להיות ברמ”ח ר”ל. ובסגנון אחר (ועיקר): כל התעודות רשמיות, מכתבים וכו’ כותבים מפורש דשייך לאגודת חסידי חב”ד – הטענות שכנגד הם דברים שבע”פ סתם“.
Free Translation:
“As with all Chabad Rebbes − the first foundation is: truthfully nullifying one’s own existence (starting with himself).
Being a Rebbe, it is his integral and primary mission, to guide and strengthen [the Chassidim] in Torah and Mitzvos in general (beginning with belief in Hashem, keeping [the laws of] Shulchan Aruch, etc.) and to show them a living example of this (even when it requires the extent of actual mesirus nefesh).
It is self-understood that a Rebbe must also withhold all actions that may mistakenly be explained contrary [to the above].
[Only] after this comes the Rebbe’s private life, and in this aspect as well, the foundation is not to interfere at all with his general and primary purpose.
Other excerpts from these notes, not shown here:
“The primary proof which overcomes all the arguments of the opposition: the letter from the inheritor [the Frierdiker Rebbe] which officially declares that [the library] belongs to Agudas Chassidei Chabad…
…To think that he wrote the letter only to deceive [the European governments], (is foolish, and) one who says so creates a great Chillul Hashem. One who says this (intentionally) deserves excommunication, G-d forbid…
…In other words (and the main point), all the legal certificates, letters, etc., clearly express that [the seforim] belong to Agudas Chassidei Chabad − the opposing views are merely words transmitted orally [without any written proofs].”
The magazine is published monthly by the Vaad Hatmimim Haolomi, and is available for download by clicking here. You can also have the magazine emailed to you or shipped to your door by subscribing on the magazine’s website Derher.org.
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This article fails to bring to light the discussions and involvement between rabbi Bogomilsky and the rebbe and a major involvement.