Audio: Savage Invokes Frierdiker Rebbe on Radio Show
Nationally syndicated conservative talk show host Michael Savage spend several minutes of his daily radio broadcast to tell the story of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe’s fight against the communist regime in Russia, and his ultimate triumph against them.
Savage’s comments on the Frierdiker Rebbe begin at the 1:02:30 mark:
absolutely amazing!!
Politics make strange bedfellows
The above quote is a famous saying.
Listen, during WW2, even though the US and Russia were enemies, for a common foe, we became “friends” temporarily. So, no, I’m not surprised that Israel and Saudi Arabia made a deal.
You know, when integration was forced on us back in the 60’s, the racists, in hindsight, may look like prophets, l’havdil. They said: “You watch. You are now treating them as equal, guess what, it’s going to happen that the homos will be equalized the same way.”
Look what happened. I think it’s going to get worse. If America is being flooded with anti-American, anti-white immigrants, then they may make the whites second-class or even slaves!
Citizen Berel
Where am I?
There’s good and there’s bad. Ending racism is good. Calling every perversion acceptable is an insult to those who legitimately fought for tzedek vyosher. Sometimes, it’s a slippery slope, which is one of the reasons we thank Hashem for the Torah, to take us into light and out of darkness.
Treating someone hepech haTorah based on his race is darkness, though. If we stay good and moral, we won’t have problems and we can share this, and why we follow what we do, with others – um’at or docheh harbeh choshech.
with the same mouth he said that here is no such thing as Autistic kids, he said that, they are just spoiled brats so i give him praise about the Rebbe but i denounce him for the way he talks about Autistic children
He’s quite wrong on that, but his point was probably about over diagnosis. This has been a move to call every wrong behavior a disease instead of teaching the child to behave and autism is very serious, but also tremendously overdiagnosed.
Obviously, his style is often courterproductive to what he wants to accomplish and causes him to be misunderstood, but he has a 1st class brain and he’s sincere.
He mixed up a few stories, and got the details wrong, but his point is correct.
Boy did he mix up a few stories. That’s putting it kindly. And then, after he mixed up all these things, he claims its a thousand percent true. A thousand percent!!!!!
From Berkeley 40 years ago:
I remember him as Moishe Weiner!
He visited 770 once and mentioned 10 years ago how it was his great spiritual moment in Jewish life.
I heard one of his programs where he ranted and raved about Bris Milah. Particularly Metsitsah b’ Peh. He went on about this for hours. Personally, I think he’s just a ranter and raver. Makes his living that way. Even though, according to him, he’s got this great education. PHD in ethnology, or some such subject.
Dealing with the Communist Authorities
“One morning, when the Lubavitcher Rebbe was observing yahrzeit for his father, three members of the Yevsektzia rushed into his synagogue, guns in hand, to arrest him. Calmly, the Lubavitcher Rebbe finished his prayers and followed them.
Facing a council of armed and determined men, the Lubavitcher Rebbe again reaffirmed that he would not give up his religious activities, whatever threats might be made. When one of the agents pointed a gun at him, saying: “This little toy has made many a man change his mind”, the Lubavitcher Rebbe calmly replied: “That little toy can intimidate only the kind of man who has many gods-passions, and but one world-this world. Because I have only one G-d and two worlds, I am not impressed by your little toy.”
His struggle came to a head in the summer of 5687 (1927), when the Rebbe was arrested and placed in solitary confinement in the notorious Spalerno prison in Leningrad. He was sentenced to death, but the timely intervention of leading foreign statesmen saved his life. Instead of being executed, he was banished to Kostroma, in the Urals, for three years.
Where did Savage get that?
He said that the Rebbe was up to his chest in water and rats. A Jewish prison guard confronted him. That’s, according to Savage, when the Rebbe spoke about the one G-d/ many gods, one world/many worlds.
He confused it a bit, it’s not exactly as he told it in all details, but both parts happened, just not together. The Rebbe was in “the hole”; see Reshimas Hamaasar.
by the way
this is not the first time he mentioned it one summer a few years ago he spoke about it but besides making sense on many issues he has crooked thinking about many others