‘Chassidisher Derher’ Magazine to Be Printed Monthly

After two successful years of being seasonal, The Chassidisher Derher will be going monthly! Beginning with the month of Kislev, the Derher magazine will be distributed monthly in Chabad Yeshivos and communities around the world.

The inaugural Kislev issue comes bursting with Chassidishe content presented in a most appealing fashion, and is topped with an additional feature in celebration of the 85th anniversary of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin this upcoming 14 Kislev.

It also includes articles like:

The Shadar – The Shliach who stood at the helm of American Jewish renewal

Don’t Ruin it – Why don’t we say Tachanun on 19 Kislev?

Personal Farewell –  Behind the Picture

Kisvei Yad in Pirsum Rishon

And much more!

Although geared towards Yeshiva Bochurim, The Chassidisher Derher has become wildly popular amongst Lubavitchers of all sorts. There are three easy ways to receive the Derher magazine:

1) You can sign up and receive the Derher in your inbox by clicking here.

2)  You can have a copy of the Derher sent to your home for a small charge. Click here to order your copy. To ensure that your order is shipped, make sure to complete your request before Sunday night at midnight.

3) You can purchase a copy at the two following Crown Heights stores: Hamafitz Stam and Judaica World.

The Chassidisher Derher, coordinated by the Vaad Hatmimim Haolami, is looking forward to this step-up in bringing “Geshmaker” Chassidishe reading material to Chassidim, Temimim and Shluchim around the world.

Click here to download the Kislev edition.
