Kol Tuv Bungalow Colony Prints 6,232nd Tanya

Heeding the Rebbe’s call to print a Tanya in every city around the globe, and in conjunction with the marking of 200 years since the Alter Rebbe’s Hilula, a Tanya was printed by the members of Kol Tuv Bungalow Colony in Monticello, NY.

Now Kol Tuv Bungalow Colony is included among the thousands of locations where the holiness of Toras Hachasidus has taken root.

The excitement in the air was palpable. Sunday morning everyone gathered in the Shul were they all, men women and even children, had the Zechus of printing the 6,232nd edition of Tanya. Perek Lamed Bais was learned from the latest edition by Rabbi Yehoshua Werde.

The initiative was inspired by Rabbi Yisroel Mangel, shliach in Cincinnati, OH, who was spending some time with his family in the colony.

A special thanks to Rabbi Tzvi Perlman of Chabad of Wilkes-Barre, PA, and Rabbi Avraham Green, Director of Operations at the Shluchim office in Crown Heights, for making this historic printing possible.

After the first Tanya was printed, a beautiful breakfast was served, arranged by Rafael Batashvilli and Zalman Dubov, while Rabbi Efraim Piekarski gave a shiur in Perek Tes Vuv in Tanya.

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  • Bungelow 22

    Yasher Koach to all the organizers….another job well done!!!

    CH and family

  • Kol Tuv

    It was a beautiful event, and thanks to all of those who put it together, job well done!!

  • Resident

    The Ahavas Yisroel and friendly atmosphere is
    a big draw for many who come.
    Thank you Avrohom G. (and co.) for organizing the Shabbos kiddushim as well with such enthusiasm and dedication.

  • Koltuv!

    Best memories there!

    A summer environment can really effect a child!
    Kol tuv has always had the highest standards of yiddishkeit!
    Thank you Rivi for making this a priority!

  • Sista

    Avraham Green, job well done! You are an amazing brother and a hard worker. They are lucky to have you! Love you little sis.

    • Anonymous

      your question is too open ended with too many variables. I’d suggest you contact the Avrohom Green at the Shluchim Office for more details.

      for a ball park figure probably $1,500 and up