Holon Yeshiva Farbrengs for Rosh Chodesh Kislev

This past week, in honor of Rosh Chodesh Kislev and the work of the Rebbe’s shluchim worldwide, the bochurim in Yeshivas Chabad in Holon, Israel doubled their efforts on mivtzoim, and reached an unprecedented 547 people who the bochurim assisted with putting on tefillin.

On Motzei Shabbos, a special ‘Seudas Hoda’ah’ program was planned, incorporating a farbrengen in the presence of the entire Yeshivah, together with the Rosh Yeshivah, Mashpi’im and Hanholoh.

Farbrenging for the Bochurim were: Rabbis Shlomo Chaim Feldman, Moshe Gruzman, Yossef Gurevitch, Yisroel Ashkenazi Chaim Dovid Wilhelm and Mendy Gruzman.

Each one highlighted another aspect of the relevance of this Yom Tov to us as Chasidim.

R’ Yisroel Ashkenazi spoke about the personal relationship between the Chassidim and their Rebbe, something which is unique to us as Chasidim of the Rebbe, and was expressed through the joyous celebration of Rosh chodesh Kislev.

R Moshe Gruzman spoke about the necessity of recognizing that while learning a sicha, a maamor, or even chitas, we must feel that the Rebbe is speaking to each and every one of us individually.