YG Melbourne Hosts Shavuos Kinus Torah
The Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand (Yeshivah Gedolah – Melbourne) hosted a communal Kinus Torah on Sunday the tenth of Sivan (May 19, 2013). The Kinus was convened in conjunction with Shavuos, as per the Rebbe’s directive that a Kinus be held on, or immediately after, each Yom Tov.
The Kinus was chaired by Shliach Yisroel Ohana, and began with an in-depth analysis regarding the weekday status of the days following Shavuos, and how they capture the essence of what Shavuos is really all about, delivered by Shliach Sholom Dovber Pewzner. Rabbi Binyomin Cohen (Rosh Yeshivah) discussed the injunction that one’s knowledge of Torah be fluent enough to provide an immediate answer to any queries posed to him.
Rabbi Mottel Krasnjanski (Rov – Ohr Chadash) delivered an intricate discourse on the extent of a woman’s obligation with regards to the Mitzvos of Kiddush, Megillah, and the lighting of the Chanukah Menorah. Rabbi Yonasan Johnson (Rosh Kollel – Kollel Menachem) explained and defined the approach of the Alter Rebbe regarding squeezing lemons on Shabbos. Dayan Yehudah Katz (Dayan – Adass Yisroel) discussed the Halacha of verbally pronouncing the words of Torah when learning, peppering his talk with anecdotes, Vertelach, Divrei Agadah and Divrei Chizuk. Rabbi Yaakov Barber (Rov – South Caulfield Shule) explained the processes and functions of Hefker (declaring one’s property ownerless) and Yiush (despairing of a lost or stolen object).
The next talk featured a student of Yeshivah College, Yehoshua Chalk, who clarified whether a loan repayment in another currency creates a concern of Ribbis (interest). He was followed by a student of Mesivtah, Chaim Groner, who discussed which day of the week the Torah was given, and the practical ramifications with regards to one who crosses the dateline during Sefirah. Moshe Amzalak, student of Yeshivah Gedolah, defined the differences between Hefker and Yiush, focussing on the Alter Rebbe’s famous responsum on the subject.
At the conclusion of the Kinus, Rabbi Zvi Telsner (Dayan – Yeshivah Centre) focussed on the laws of Brochos as they relate to Daled Kossos (four cups of wine at the Seder).
Mendel Hertz closed the Kinus with a Siyum of Sefer Kedushah of the Rambam.
All in all, the event featured a large and diverse crowd, who thoroughly enjoyed the wide variety of subjects addressed at this year’s Kinus. Special thanks to Rabbi Krasnjanski for sponsoring the refreshments, and Shliach Mendel Hertz and the rest of the Shluchim for organizing the Kinus.
Photo by Dovi Straiton
thanks Rabbi Barber
Im sure that Rabbi Barber explained his subject clearly and succinctly as he always does..a real talmud chacham!
Go Oshie Feldman!! We miss you!!
rabbi cohen
i know you are surely not hanging out on these sites, but I hope the message somehow gets to you
you have made an evertlasting impact on my life (and thus my childrens and kehilla etc)
to be a true mentsch, a fair, honest, yirai shamayim, chossid not just behergesh but just as important (and if not more!), maaseh bepoel.
And with al the straightness, I still remember the genuine care and concern you showed when I was unwell, as was true with the other bochurim in their times of need.
If only there were more people in power like you today… (i am sure countless parents and former YG talmidim feel the same..)