Picture of the Day: Avner Netanyahu Puts on Tefillin
Avner Netanyahu, the son of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, turned to Shliach Rabbi Avraham Grennberg and asked if he had his Tefillin with him, which he did, and the two went off to the side to put on Tefillin. What followed was a firestorm in the Chinese media and a major Kiddush Hashem.
We can all learn from the Shliach never to leave our home without Teffilin, Imagine if he would of had to say im sorry my tefillin our not with me and it will take 40 min to get them!
You can read the story at
well synagogues are illegal in china. Judaism is not a recognized religion. So the shul has to be a “museum” installation. thats how they get around it.
No, this shul is only a museum. It is not used. There’s no “getting around”
another mitsvah to bring the geulah