Yeshiva World News

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Dozens of Chabad avreichim will be entering the IDF and Israel police in the coming months in a special program coordinated between the agencies and Chabad, connected to the Shachar program. This program is tailored to chareidi inductees, accommodating their lifestyle while permitting them to serve.

Dozens of Chabadniks Heading to Israeli Police & IDF

Yeshiva World News

Illustration Photo

Dozens of Chabad avreichim will be entering the IDF and Israel police in the coming months in a special program coordinated between the agencies and Chabad, connected to the Shachar program. This program is tailored to chareidi inductees, accommodating their lifestyle while permitting them to serve.

The agreement is in line with permitting the Chabadnikim to spend a year in 770 learning ahead of induction into the IDF, another example of the IDF and now Israel Police seeking to accommodate the lifestyle of the chareidi community.


  • mendel

    now lets see who will cay out the next hitnatkut?
    the next PM in israel that will want to make a hitnatkut will have to do all by himself (if hes able to)

  • shlomo

    and tomorrow you get order throw Jew from they home. rainu
    since when habad-tziyonim?