Amazing Story: The Rebbe’s Dollar and Gilad Shalit


It was bound to surface sooner or later: Shluchim Rabbi Eliahu and Chana Kanterman, in Talbieh, Yerushalayim, became friendly with the Shalit family after visiting their protest tent, bringing food for the body and soul and offering support as only the Rebbe’s Shluchim know how.

Mrs. Kanterman gave Aviva Shalit a dollar that she merited to recieve from the Rebbe, and expleined the segulos of the Rebbe’s dollar, which will surely bring Gilad home safe and sound.

On Wednesday, Aviva Shalit texted Mrs. Kanterman, asking if she remebered on what date the Rebbe gave her this dollar. Mrs. Kanterman didn’t remember, so Aviva reminded her: on the dollar, was written: recieved from the Rebbe, the 20th of Tishrei, 5751. Gilad was released on the 20th of Tishrei, 21 years later!


  • Exceptional Yid

    Wow! I am on Social Security Disability. I got nasty letter from government I had more than $2,000 in bank while on SSI.
    I brought letter to Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Ohel and tore it and left it. A miracle happened. Social Security left me alone. This was a few months ago.

  • Thinkster

    ….and on the back of the dollar, it was written ‘…and say hi to Gilad….’. Now THAT would be a story.

    Does this mean the Rebbe approved of the releasing of 1000 terrorists?


  • rivkah

    21 years ago,the Monday night and tuesday night of chol hamoed the Rebbe Gave out dollars . Two on Monday night ,Tuesday the night of Hashana Rabba, the Rebbe gave out one dollar

  • Yochai Schtrauss

    what exactly do you expect the youth of crown heights to learn from something like this?

    if you ask me i think its a fine glass of hokus pokus!!

  • Yossi

    From what I understand, the Rebbe is still giving out dollars to this very day!!! LOL