From the archives of Shmuel Zalmanov
64 Years Ago Today: Kfar Chabad Established
Today, the 21st of Iyar, marks the day that the village of Kfar Chabad was established 61 years ago in 1949. This photo shows the center of the village back in 1977.
interesting to read this about kfar chabad cuz i just went to a display in NYC this morning and saw a bunch of letters that are gonna be auctioned tomorrow – they were all sent to the elterer chosid Reb Berel Rivkin z’l including a letter the Rashag wrote to him about negotiations with the Israeli govt to establishe Kfar Chabad in 1949.
Arney Fishbein, Fairfax VG
I remember learning in the old bldg. while chickens and hens and cats drei around the premises, in or out, very haimish and natural country like setting, like no other in the world. You come out feeling like a real chossid, one with nature.