Community Invited to Attend Shluchims’ Son’s Bar Mitzvah
Isru Chag will mark the 13th birthday of Eli Chaim Hurwitz, son of Yitzy and Dina Hurwitz who are Shluchim in Temecula, California. This isn’t and ordinary celebration, it is extra special and carries even more meaning to this family, after their father was diagnosed with ALS.
Dina Hurwitz wrote the following on her personal blog:
10 years ago, I was in Israel for my sister’s wedding. While I was there, I spent two weeks at the Dead Sea for a skin condition I have.
Walking into the Dead Sea, I am waiting for the magic. Nothing happens. I just keep walking as if it’s a regular beach. All of a sudden, I lose my balance and begin to fall. At that very moment the miracle strikes. G-d catches me and I float, not just float, but couldn’t sink if I tried. The miracles G-d put in nature are are the most mind blowing. Air, earth and water that cure people of so many ailments. I remember thinking at that time that if all I leave here with is this lesson it would be enough. We think we are in control, and the minute we realize that we are not, G-d catches us.
Many years pass, and every once in a while I remember how incredible it felt to be caught, then forget again. Until now.
A month ago, my best friend, my rock, my husband was diagnosed with ALS. The illusion of control was lost completely. Our silly dreams of how much fun we would have once the kids are older turned into ice cold fears.
My husband the singer, storyteller, jokester, and generally the more talkative of the two of us could not speak clearly anymore. Everything changed in an instant. Priorities took on a completely different flavor. Dreams needed to be turned into reality. All of the “if onlys” had to happen now. Now is all we know.
Just as our family lost our footing we were caught by hundreds of brothers and sisters, many of whom we have never met. The love that we have been showered with at this time can only be described as G-d catching us and cradling us through His thousands of representatives on His beautiful earth.
As difficult as this time in our lives is, that is nothing compared to how beautiful it is. The amount of joy, love, support, and unity we have been privileged to experience makes me think I understand why G-d created this world. What good He felt His creations can accomplish, and for what? We’ve never done anything that comes close to deserving this, yet here it is.
We have been blessed (understatement) to find out who catches us when we fall. In other words, we cannot fall, there is a beautiful net of love surrounding us.
I truly think no change is necessary. You are perfect! But if you must… Please do one extra kind deed daily in the merit of my husband. Thank you, you must be making G-d so proud.
Friends, relatives, classmates and associates of Yitzy Hurwitz, are cordially invited to attend the Bar Mitzvah celebration of Eli Chaim Hurwitz, son of Yitzy and Dina Hurwitz. Yitzy and Dina are Shluchim in Temecula, California. We invite everyone in the community to this wonderful opportunity to see Yitzy, dance with him and share in this exceptional simcha.
Please make every effort to attend.
If you cannot make it but would like to show your support please visit www.hurwitzfamilyfund.com
The Bar Mitzvah Celebration is at 7:30pm April 3rd – Isru chag at United Lubavitcher Yeshiva 570 Crown Street (Albany Entrance)
Dina, you are the Rock.
I will absolutely attend Imy”H and support this precious family. Dina I am in awe of your words. May Hashem send a complete Refuah Shlaima to Yitzy speedily. Please provide his full name and mother’s name for a mishaberach.
Shoshana B.
Don’t know who you are. Do recognize your face from years ago. Wishing you a refuah shleima speedily with moshiach!
I met Yitzy in Riverside County and was so impressed by his apparent down to earth and easy going attitude.
He was very generous and friendly in the interactions I had with him.
Mazel Tov on the Bar Mitzvah! !!
Yitzy should have a Refuah Shleima .
Such strength in the face of adversity. Your words are profound and your lesson very uplifting. Thank you for sharing your message. I will carry it with me.
Full Name
יצחק בן ברכה לרפו”ש וקרובה
We love you
Yitzchok Ben Bracha for a full and now recovery.
You are born in Adar so all the Drs information Venehepach Hu, this is the month of Nissim the Nes is coming and by next month ANY HASHEM ROFECHO you will get the complete Refuah.
Modeh Ani
Reading your article made me realise how all the problems many of us think we have pale away when we encounter such angels who are tested beyond what many of us could carry. It is testimony indeed of the strength of character and the unbelievable inner strength you all as a family display.
I am genuinely touched by your shining example especially by your acceptance of Hashem’s Divine decree.
Most importantly your Dugma Chaya makes me realise the Modeh Ani I say each morning and throughout the day is the basic understanding how lucky we are to have our health everything else is Value Added!
May Hashem bless the entire Hurwitz family with all the strength and All the Brochos to accompany the parents and ALL the siblings with an extra measure of Brochos from THE SOUCE of ALL Brochos in an open and visible manner AMEIN!
Finally a very hearty Mazel Tov to Eli Chaim,
I may not know you but care pray and love you all the same!
From a simple Jew halfway across the world.
serel chana maness
there is in lsrael stem cell treatments for healing,the article was in the hamodia paper,l’m sorry l do not remember the name of the drs and place please ask the hamodia,wishing you luck
Shalom Olensky
My grandmother who works for Haddasah charity says that there are major advances for ALS in Haddasah hospital in Jerusalem (using stem cell research).
please look into elliminating gluten, grains and all processed foods, only natural organic vegies fruits and proteins..
google … ALS Cleveland Clinic demands Gluten Free diet for ALS
Refuah Shleima!!!
Roddy Munoz
Mazal Toyv! Mazal Toyv! Mazal Toyv! from next door in Murrieta CA.