Melbourne Mothers and Daughters Learn

Dozens of mothers and daughters of the Melbourne Yeshiva community gathered Thursday evening to learn in memory of Leiby Kletzky OBM.

Ohel Chana and Bnos Chabad of Melbourne held a beautiful ‘Mother and Daughter Learning Program’ on Thursday night at Ohel Chana Seminary in honour of the ‘Leiby’s Torah’ campaign.

Dozens of mothers and daughters gathered together to learn in a wonderful display of unity. The evening marked the conclusion of the Mitzv-A-thon, with hundreds of Mitzvos performed to honour the memory of Leiby Kletzsky Z”L, and raise money for the ‘Leiby’s Torah’ that will be used for the youth minyan.

A raffle was held at the conclusion of the event. Thank you to the Ohel Chana Students and Mrs. Miri Lipskier for their efforts in putting the evening together.

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