Jewish Teens Spend Summer in Costa Rica

A group of 42 Jewish teenagers and 11 dedicated staff members descended on Costa Rica this summer for a high-energy vacation spent studying Torah, meeting local Jews, and enjoying the surrounding countryside before heading back to Chabad-Lubavitch run yeshivas around the world.

Run by Chabad-Lubavitch of Costa Rica director Rabbi Hershel Spalter and directed by Moshe Minsky and Tzali Wilschanski, the Yeshivas Kayitz – or “summer yeshiva” – Costa Rica completed its second season last month.

Chasidic gatherings and in-depth learning sessions kept students’ minds busy, while horseback riding and whitewater rafting excursions, in addition to sports such as soccer and bowling, kept them physically active.

Students dedicated their studies in memory of the camp’s previous learning director, Yossi Kreiman. The camp was supported by Shaul Kahana, a member of the Chabad community in S. Jose.

Chasidic gatherings, punctuated by rounds of dancing, kept students inspired.
Horseback riding and other activities took advantage of Costa Rica’s tropical weather.
During their excursions into town, students took the opportunity to help Jewish men don the prayer boxes known as tefillin.
The students dedicated their in-depth learning sessions in memory of the camp’s previous learning director, Yossi Kreiman.
Students worked their way through the Talmudic tractate known as Taanis.
Extracurricular activities included a round of paintball.
The students also headed to a local soccer field for a makeshift game.
Yona Green of Florida tried his hand at milking a cow.