New Fund Established In Shluchas Memory
With the London Jewish Community still reeling from the tragic and untimely passing of Rebbitzen Sara Leah Overlander A”H, co-director of Chabad of Hendon who passed away after a long fight with Y”M at the age of just fifty-three years old. A new fund to assist her family was established.
Rebbitzen Overlander was married to YBDLC”T Rabbi Gershon Overlander Sheyichye and helped raise a beautiful family of ten children while being involved in Shlichus and Hafatzus Hamayanus for the past thirty years.
Sara Leah was known not only as an amazing mother, but also as an incredible Shluchah who inspired and taught many hundreds and perhaps thousands of individuals over the course of her life. The London Jewish community and friends around the world are mourning and crying over her passing and her loss is being felt across the diverse Jewish community of North and North West London.
Take a few minutes and make a difference today
In her short life, Sara Leah raised a beautiful family of ten children, of whom the oldest two are married and the other eight of whom the youngest is just eight years old, are at various stages of their schooling and Yeshiva. Along with Rabbi Overlander, a Minyan of Yesomim are in deep mourning over the painful loss of their beloved mother as they absorb the terrible loss and empty void that has come with her passing.
The last few months have been fraught with many medical and personal expenses as the family dealt with a myriad of expenses associated with Sara Leah’s valiant battle, which she fought while doing her best to be the loving mother that she was.
In addition to the accumulated past bills, in the short and long term, these eight young children need to be raised, nurtured, educated, and married with Rabbi Overlander shouldering the burden alone. At these pivotal moments, we urge you to extend a helping hand to the family during their time of mourning in a way that will directly help the family and the Yesomim for both the short term and the long term.
Please take a few minutes to contribute to the new Sara Leah Memorial Fund which has been established to help with the needs of the family and children as they go forward in life.
To donate to the Sara Leah Memorial Fund, you can make your donations in one of several ways, either online at this link (Please mention in the notes, that it is for the Sara Leah Memorial Fund) or by mail to the Hendon Chabad House, 112-114 Brent Street, London NW4 2DT, Checks should be made payable to, “Chabad Hendon / Sara Leah Memorial Fund”. (Electronic transfers can be made to HSBC, Sort code: 40-07-01, Account number: 01377930, and Account name: Chabad of Hendon).
May Sara Leah’s Neshomah be a מליצה יושרה for all of us and may her memory continue to serve as an inspiration to you and to all those in the community, both local and farther afield. May we be merit to בלע המות לנצח and may the Nevuah of הקיצו ורננו שכני עפר be fulfilled בקרוב ממש .
do it now
Go out NOW and buy life insurance for both husband and wife… please.
Y”M?? Does that by any chance stand for ‘young mother’?
So I guess the original euphemism is no longer good enough and now we need a euphemism for a euphemism?
Where does the madness end?!
to Marvin
Y”M stands for Yenne Machla – i.e. cancer
Correction: 3 are married not 2