School Year Comes to a Close in London

LONDON, England [CHI] — As the school year in London came to an end the annual prize giving to the boys was a great way to end the year. The highlight of the event was the giving out of seforim for the Mishnayos Baal Peh that was learned by the boys during their recent project.

This year was by far the biggest success that the project has seen. Unbelievable amounts of Mishnayos, Gemora and Tanya was learned by heart. The top two boys Michoel Zajac and Yitzchok Dubov alone learned sixty nine messechtos of Mishnayos baal peh. This year also saw a new initiative to the competition in the form of “THE GOLDEN LEAGUE”.

Rabbi Hackner who coordinated the project explained “there are some boys who know what they have learnt so well that it is literally engraved in their minds. In order to get into the Golden League you cannot make mistakes or even have to pause to think what word to say next. When a boy knows it this well he will IYH never forget it”.

Every boy participated in the project and special acknowledgments were also given to those boys who put in special effort throughout the competition.

Parents and teachers were thanked for helping to test the boys, and thanks were also given to Mrs. Poolat and Rabbi Levy for organizing the prize giving.

Rabbi Karasik who is the headmaster of the school gave praise and thanks to the boys and each class teacher for their dedication throughout the year.


  • NF

    wow hagaon reb motel zajac shlita!!!! good to see you
    Your friends and chasidim in CH


  • Love The Shimshoni Clan

    KOL HAKAVOD zaidy Levy!!! We have a lot to learn from you. May the Ribono Shel Olom give you the strength to keep doing your fantastic work in the London Kehila. AMAN!!!

  • Levy grandchildren

    Hi Zeidy Levy,

    So nice to see you, we miss you.

    Chaya and Rosie Levy.
    sydney, Australia.

  • Go London Go!

    Rabbi Shmuly Karasik always was the best! He’s really got this school going in the right direction!

  • a concerned citizen

    it is just a big shame the teachers at the Lubavitch boys school in London have not been paid for over half a year!

  • A member of the London community

    Rabbi Levy I want to take this opportunity to thank you for all the good you do and that you have done over the last 40 years for the boys school if not for you my kids would not be frume today. May Hashem bless you and yours with only good.

  • from a loyal fan

    Rabbi Levy

    Yasher Koach for so many years of dedication and self sacrifice. Your efforts have definately paid off. You are doing an amazing job.. Keep it up!! May you go Mechayil El Choyil in your Avoidas Hakodesh in good health!!
    All the very best from a loyal fan.

  • to # 9

    have YOU paid YOUR SChool fees?
    rather than grump and be ungreatfull, stick your hand in your pocket and help.
    the teachers work hard, need to be paid, but they dont need negetivity like you

  • Viener Kids

    We love you Zeidy Levy! You are the BEST! May you continue in you Avoidas Hakoidesh in good health with Shefa Brocha!

  • to #12

    you cannot assume this man didnt pay his school fees as some parents do pay and the money gets somewhere else so ……

  • The Levy-s in Cincinnati

    We Love you too Zeidy Levy, We are so proud of you, Kol Tuv and may you and Bobby be well for many years to come.



  • From an admirer in Crown Heights

    To Go London Go! Please do yourself a favour a get an eye test quickly by Yitzchak Austin. You seem to need it badly. The success is due to the unbelievable dedication of Rabbi Hackner and Rabbi Cohen both of which have not been paid for many months. Give credit where it is due!